Dr Georgina Barton is an Associate Professor of literacies and pedagogy in the School of Teacher Education and Early Childhood at the University of Southern Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. She has experience as a Program Director for preservice teachers and teaches English and literacy education. Before being an academic, Georgina taught in schools for over 20 years including teaching English in South India with Australian Volunteers International. She has been an acting Principal, coordinator of international students, and a lead teacher in the areas of literacy and numeracy. Georgina also has extensive experience in teaching the arts in schools and universities and often utilises the arts to support students’ literacy learning outcomes. She has over 60 publications in the areas of the arts and literacy. Her most recent book with Dr Gary Woolley is Developing Literacy in the Secondary Classroom with Sage publishers.
Dr Kay Hartwig is the Director of Internationalisation in the School of Education and Professional Studies. She works closely with international students particularly during their placements in Australian schools as well as all stakeholders in the process including work sites and staff; university academic staff and administration staff. Through her role as Director of Internationalisation Kay also works closely with the university International Office. Kay has developed handbooks and supporting materials for international students, their mentor teachers and university staff that focus on the placement experience. She currently co-leads a large innovation and Development grant funded by the Australia Government through the Office of Learning and Teaching that explores international students’ experience during work placement. This grant includes six university sites across Australia. She has researched and written on quality teacher education.
1 Ebooks by Kay Hartwig
Georgina Barton & Kay Hartwig: Professional Learning in the Work Place for International Students
This book shares a range of examples where international students have undertaken a work placement, practicum, internship or participated in work integrated learning. Contributions reflect on the suc …