This book presents peer-reviewed articles from the International Conference on Optics and Electro-optics, ICOL-2019, held at Dehradun in India. It brings together leading researchers and professionals in the field of optics/optical engineering/optical materials and provides a platform to present and establish collaborations in this important area, with the theme “Trends in Electro-optics Instrumentation for Strategic Applications”. Topics covered but not limited to are Optical Engineering, Optical Thin Films, Optical Materials, IR Sensors, Image Processing & Systems, Photonic Band Gap Materials, Adaptive Optics, Optical Image Processing & Holography, Lasers, Fiber Lasers & its Applications, Diffractive Optics, Innovative packaging of Optical Systems, Nanophotonics Devices and Applications, Optical Interferometry & Metrology, Terahertz, Millimeter Wave & Microwave Photonics, Fiber, Integrated & Nonlinear Optics and Optics and Electro-optics for Strategic Applications.
Table of Content
Part 1: Invited Speakers.- Chapter 1. Trends in Manufacturing for Aspheric & Freeform Optics.- Chapter 2. Silicon Photonics-based Gas Sensors and Components for the mid-IR: Design and Modelling.- Chapter 3. Pixel reassignment in image scanning microscopy.- Chapter 4. Compact and field portable biophotonic sensors for automated cell identification (Plenary Address).- Chapter 5. Wavefront Coding with Jacobi-Fourier phase masks to alleviate random aberrations.- Chapter 6. Designing Submicron Chiral Structure through Phase Engineered Multi-Beam Interference.- Chapter 7. Advanced IR Zoom Lenses for Next Generation Thermal Imaging Applications.- Chapter 8. Advanced Infrared Photodetectors at SCD.- Chapter 9. Characteristics Of One Dimensional Photonics Structures Having Different Types Of Sequences.- CHapter 10. Deep-learning-based dynamic range compression for 3D scene hologram.- Chapter 11. Mode spectra and vortex beam sorting via digital intensity processing.- Chapter 12. Speckle-free digital holographic phase microscopy and tomography using partially spatially coherent monochromatic light with improved image sharpness, resolution and phase noise.- Chapter 13.- Biospeckle Analysis Technique: Some Recent Applications.- Chapter 14. Using Femtosecond Coherent Oscillations to unravel Dynamics.- Chapter 15. Using Femtosecond Coherent Oscillations to unravel Dynamics.- Chapter 16. Suppression of UV emission in Zn O nanorods Complex Systems.- Part 2: Adaptive Optics.- Chapter 17. Features of FPGA using in a fast adaptive optical system.- Chapter 18. Controlling the Degree of Polarization of Speckles from Birefringent Scatterer.- Part 3: Diffractive Optics.- Chapter 19. Experimental demonstration of diffraction of vector field singularities through diamond shaped aperture.- Chapter 20. Controlled generation of self-images of a Microlens array and the second harmonic Talbot effect. Chapter 21. Design of Diffractive Optical Elements for Shaping the Laser Intensity Distribution. Chapter 22. Electromagnetically induced grating in a 3-level symmetric quantum well.- Chapter 23. Axicon Aberration Generated Tunable Optical Arrays.- Chapter 24. Crafting correlation structure by interference.- Chapter 25. Design of polarization independent silicon nitride one-dimensional gratings using genetic algorithm.- Part 4: Optics & Electro-optics for Strategic Applications.- CHapter 26. Effect of Background Radiation on Laser Receiver having Large Field of View.- Chapter 27. Temperature Compensated Dynamic Strain Measurement using Twin Fiber Bragg Gratings and Tunable Laser Interrogation with Noise Cancelation.- Chapter 28. Geo High Resolution Camera An experimental eye in space – its Integration Challenges and Mitigation.- Chapter 29. Photodiode transimpedance configuration with dc compensation.- Chapter 30. Concept of Programmable Range Electro-optical Sensor.
About the author
Dr. Kehar Singh served as a member of the faculty at IIT Delhi since 1965 in various capacities. He was an “Academic Visitor” at Imperial College of Science & Technology, London, during 1969–1970, and visited/carried out research for short periods at British Scientific and Industrial Research Association Ealing, Queen’s University Belfast, and National Physical Laboratory Teddington. He had been a Professor since January 1984 and during the period 1996–1999 served as Head of Physics Department. Prof. Singh held the position of Dean, Post Graduate Studies and Research, IIT Delhi, during the period of March 2001–August 2003. He served as CLUSTER Chair at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (Switzerland), in December 2002. Until June 30, 2011, he served as an Emeritus Professor at IIT Delhi where he continued to teach and carry out research.
Dr. A. K. Gupta is a DRDO Fellow and former Director & Outstanding Scientist, Instrument Research & Development Establishment (IRDE), a Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO) laboratory at Dehradun. Dr. Gupta obtained his Ph.D. from IIT Delhi in the area of Optical/Photonics engineering, which has emerged as a potential enabling technology in 21st century for both civil & defence applications. Dr. Gupta has been actively involved in the development of electro-optical instruments for day & night surveillance and laser technologies for application to defence forces. He has made significant contribution in the development of technologies for laser seekers, laser proximity sensors, adaptive optics, integrated optics holography and optical information processing.
Dr. Sudhir Khare is presently working as a Scientist at the Instruments Research and Development Establishment, Dehradun, India. He has been engaged in research, design and development in the area of thermal imaging for the last 25 years. His research interests include system design, IR signal processing and performance evaluation of thermal imaging systems. He is a member of the Optical Society of India.
Dr. Nimish Dixit obtained his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India. After completing his Ph.D., he joined the Instrument R & D Establishment (IRDE), Dehradun. Since joining IRDE Dehradun, he has been engaged in the development of nonlinear frequency conversion laser systems in which he developed mid-IR tunable optical parametric oscillator (OPO). Of late, he has been responsible for starting the development of THz sources based on nonlinear optical methods. He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of India and a member of the Indian Laser Association. His current research includes generation of THz using nonlinear frequency conversion and THz imaging.
Kamal K Pantis received his MTech degree in applied optics from IIT Delhi, India. Currently, he is working as a scientist in Instruments Research and Development Establishment, Dehradun. His research interests are development of freeform optics and diffractive optics for imaging applications, subaperture stitching-based metrology of freeform optics, and Shack–Hartmann sensor-based metrology.