Nothing can prepare Bill and Sue Williams for the assault on sanity set in motion by those who seek the Qabalistic keys to the scripture of the new eon. Beset by nightmares, overwhelmed by acts of betrayal and ritual murder, their lives are changed forever by forces they cannot see or comprehend
For Aaron Steen, the culmination of his lifelong quest for the Aquarius Key approaches. Manipulating the shadow power of the Qabalah, he sets in motion a sequence of events that will change the world forever, replacing the gods of Christ and Mohammed with a darker power, establishing a priesthood that will dominate humanity for the next two thousand years.
But he has little time. The ceremonies of blood must be completed; the Key Bearer must yield up the Holy Key; the Key Bearer must die. And all the while his enemy approaches, desperately seeking the truth in a world of Magick long discarded and forgotten by modern humanity.
Set in present day London and the stark beauty of North Wales, The Aquarius Key lays bare the history and practice of the ancient magical arts of Qabalistic Magick and the legacy of the West’s greatest magician, Aleister Crowley.
About the author
Keith Rowley has studied Magick and Qabalah for thirty years. He has deep interests in the limitations of science and mathematics and holds advanced degrees in engineering and business.
An expatriate Welshman, he currently lives in Perth Australia with his wife Hettie.The Aquarius Key is his first published novel.