Featuring contributions by leading academics this collection is a companion to one of the most intricate of Deleuze’s philosophical texts, articulating Leibnizian thought within the context of Baroque expressionism, characterized by its interdisciplinary approach to philosophy. This reader offers an incisive critical overview of its key themes
Table of Content
Preface Abbreviations Notes on Contributors Introduction; N.Mc Donnell & S.van Tuinen Four Things Deleuze Learned from Leibniz; M.Lærke The Free and Indeterminate Accord of ‘The New Harmony’: The Significance of Benjamin’s Study of the Baroque for Deleuze; T.Flanagan Leibniz’s Combinatorial Art of Synthesis and the Temporal Interval of the Fold; N.Mc Donnell Leibniz, Mathematics and the Monad; S.Duffy Perception, Justification and Transcendental Philosophy; G.Banham Genesis and Difference: Deleuze, Ma Imon, and the Post-Kantian Reading of Leibniz; D.W.Smith A Transcendental Philosophy of the Event: Deleuze’s Non-Phenomenological Reading of Leibniz; S.van Tuinen Towards a Political Ontology of the Fold: Deleuze, Heidegger, Whitehead and the ‘Fourfold’ Event; K.Robinson Two Floors of Thinking; or, Deleuze’s Aesthetics of Folds; B.M.Kaiser Capacity or Plasticity: So just what is a Body? M.Hammond Index
About the author
GARY BANHAM, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK SIMON DUFFY, University of Sydney, Australia TIMOTHY FLANAGAN, UK MATTHEW HAMMOND, UK BIRGIT M. KAISER, Germany MOGENS LÆRKE, France KEITH ROBINSON, Department of Philosophy, University of South Dakota, USA DANIEL W. SMITH, Department of Philosophy, Purdue University, USA