Dr Margaret J. Weber is Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at Pepperdine University, USA, and is Founder of Influencing Voices, a consulting group dedicated to empowering women in finding their voice for leadership and service. She serves as a Senior Fellow at the Center for Women, Faith and Leadership at the Institute for Global Engagement, USA, and previously held other leadership roles at Oklahoma State University.Dr Kerri Cissna is an Adjunct Faculty in the Undergraduate Communication Division at Pepperdine University, USA, where she formerly served as Assistant Vice Chancellor at the Graduate School of Education and Psychology. She has a doctorate in Education, and is currently completing a PhD in Global Leadership and Change. She has worked in higher education for 15 years in a variety of capacities and focuses her research agenda on designing a thriving corporate culture, women in leadership and work-family integration, inclusive leadership, and workplace spirituality.
3 Ebooks by Kerri Cissna-Heath
Margaret J. Weber: Women in Leadership and Work-Family Integration
The majority of university students in the US and around the world are women (Economist, 2006). This recent increase in the education of women has allowed their employment rate to inflate, leading to …
Kerri Cissna-Heath & Margaret J. Weber: Women in Leadership and Work-Family Integration Volume Two
Today, women are assuming greater roles within the workplace and men are assuming greater roles within the home. Both spheres have to be seen as a place where males and females are competent. Gersick …
Kerri Cissna-Heath & Margaret J. Weber: Global Perspective on Women in Leadership and Work-Family Integration
There are countless books on the market that address the personal challenges and institutional barriers that ambitious female leaders face in the United States. This volume furthers the conversation …