Referrals are the most effective way of getting business you will ever use. In fact, referrals are 35% more likely to do business with you and will give you 25% more money. But referrals also are among the most difficult to get. Asking for referrals is a mix of skills, confidence and mindset. Most referral generation techniques don’t work. Now Kerry Johnson MBA, Ph.D. will show you the ones that do. Learn: • How to develop a results-focused mindset • Proven techniques in gaining 5 to 10 referrals every week • How to segment your client base • The steps to incumbent advisor relationship • How to get mass referrals from centers of influence
About the author
Kerry Johnson, MBA, Ph.D. is an internationally known author and speaker who presents at least 12 programs a month to audiences from Hong Kong to Halifax, and from New Zealand to New York. Traveling 8, 000 miles each week. In addition to speaking, Kerry currently writes monthly for fifteen national trade and management magazines whose editors have dubbed him ‘The Nation’s Business Psychologist.’