Dr. Mohamed Jemni is a Professor of Computer Science and Educational Technologies at the University of Tunis. Currently and since 2013, he is the Director of ICT at Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO). He is a Senior member IEEE and member of the Executive board of IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology. His research projects involvements during the last 25 years are tools and environments of e-learning, high performance and grid computing and accessibility of ICT to people with disabilities. He published more than 200 papers in international journals.
Dr. Kinshuk holds the NSERC/i CORE/Xerox/Markin Research Chair for Adaptivity and Personalization in Informatics, funded by the Federal government of Canada, Provincial government of Alberta, and by national and international industries. He is also Full Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems and Associate Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology, at Athabasca University, Canada. Areas of his research interests include learning analytics; learning technologies;, mobile, ubiquitous and location aware learning systems; cognitive profiling; and, interactive technologies.
Dr. Mohamed Koutheair Khribi is a researcher and program manager in the ICT department at Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO). He received his Ph D in computer engineering and computer science from the University of Sfax, Tunisia. His research interests include technology enhanced learning; educational recommender systems; adaptivity and personalization; open education; learning analytics and knowledge; and mobile and ubiquitous computing.
25 Ebooks by Kinshuk
Kinshuk & J. Michael Spector: Learning and Instruction in the Digital Age
Instruction tailored to the individual student, learning and teaching outside the limits of time and space—ideas that were once considered science fiction are now educational reality, with the prospe …
Kinshuk & Dirk Ifenthaler: Multiple Perspectives on Problem Solving and Learning in the Digital Age
This edited volume with selected expanded papers from CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age) 2009 (http://www.celda-conf.org/) addresses the main issues concerned with problem …
Kinshuk & Pedro Isaias: Towards Learning and Instruction in Web 3.0
Towards Learning and instruction in Web 3.0, which includes selected expanded papers from CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age) 2010 (http://www.celda-conf.org/) addresses the …
Kinshuk & Heimo H. Adelsberger: Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training
Education and training have faced many challenges in the past five years – political, educational, and technological trends such as the European Bologna process, Lifelong Learning and the use of Soci …
Kinshuk & Ronghuai Huang: Reshaping Learning
This edited volume with selected papers from extinguished experts and professors in the field of learning technology and the related fields who are far-sighted and have his/her own innovative thought …
Kinshuk & Ronghuai Huang: The New Development of Technology Enhanced Learning
The book addresses the main issues concerned with the new development of learning processes, innovative pedagogical changes, the effects of new technologies on education, future learning content, whi …
Kinshuk & Ronghuai Huang: ICT in Education in Global Context
This book presents the current advances and emerging trends in digital technologies for learning and education through a number of invited chapters on key research areas. It addresses information and …
Kinshuk & Guang Chen: Emerging Issues in Smart Learning
This book provides an archival forum for researchers, academics, practitioners and industry professionals interested and/or engaged in the reform of the ways of teaching and learning through advancin …
Kinshuk & Ronghuai Huang: Ubiquitous Learning Environments and Technologies
This book focuses on the design and architecture of ubiquitous learning environments, associated technologies, various learning scenarios supported by these environments, and different contexts that …
Kinshuk & Begoña Gros: The Future of Ubiquitous Learning
This book explores emerging pedagogical perspectives based on the design of new learning spaces supported by digital technologies and brings together some of the best research in this field. The book …
Kinshuk & Ronghuai Huang: ICT in Education in Global Context
This book aims to capture the current innovation and emerging trends of digital technologies for learning and education in k-12 sector through a number of invited chapters in key research areas. …
Kinshuk & Mohamed Jemni: Open Education: from OERs to MOOCs
This book focuses on the emerging phenomenon of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which are changing the fundamental underpinning of educational systems worldwide and forcing educators and other s …
Kinshuk & Elvira Popescu: Innovations in Smart Learning
The book aims to provide an archival forum for researchers, academics, practitioners, and industry professionals interested and/or engaged in the reform of the ways of teaching and learning through a …
Kinshuk & Ting-Wen Chang: Authentic Learning Through Advances in Technologies
This book introduces the advanced technologies used for authentic learning, an educational term that refers to a variety of techniques focusing on how students apply the skills and knowledge acquired …
Kinshuk & Maiga Chang: Challenges and Solutions in Smart Learning
This book focuses on the interplay between pedagogy and technology, and their fusion for the advancement of smart learning environments. It discusses various components of this interplay, including l …
Kinshuk & Maiga Chang: Foundations and Trends in Smart Learning
This book focuses on the interplay between pedagogy and technology, and their fusion for the advancement of smart learning environments. It discusses various components of this interplay, including l …
Kinshuk & Yanyan Li: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions of Smart Learning
This book provides an archival forum for researchers, academics, practitioners and industry professionals interested and/or engaged in reforming teaching and learning methods by transforming today’s …
Kinshuk: Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments
Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments provides a theoretically-based yet practical guide to systematic design processes for learning environments that provide automatic customizat …
Kinshuk: Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments
Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments provides a theoretically-based yet practical guide to systematic design processes for learning environments that provide automatic customizat …
Kinshuk & Christoph Bussler: Web Information Systems — WISE 2004 Workshops
The study reported in this paper is an ongoing effort. We reported a preliminary analysis of the data in the paper. The current experiments varied the subjects to c- duct online group learning activi …
Kinshuk & Maiga Chang: Learning by Playing. Game-based Education System Design and Development
With the widespread interest in digital entertainment and the advances in the technologies of computer graphics, multimedia and virtual reality technologies, the new area of "Edutainment" h …
Kinshuk & Yun Wen: Expanding Global Horizons Through Technology Enhanced Language Learning
This book uncovers the important issues in language learning and teaching in the intelligent, digital era. “Social connectivity” is a contemporary style of learning and living. By engaging in the con …
Kinshuk & Junfeng Yang: Resilience and Future of Smart Learning
This book provides an archival forum for researchers, academics, practitioners, and industry professionals interested and/or engaged in the reform of the ways of teaching and learning through advanci …
Kinshuk & Chutiporn Anutariya: Smart Learning for A Sustainable Society
This book collects the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE2023), held in Bangkok, Thailand, as a hybrid conference from 31st Aug to 1st Sep 2023. The …