Author: Klaus-D. Graf

Frederick Leung is a professor of mathematics education at The University of Hong Kong, specializing in international comparison of curriculum, and the relationship between culture and mathematics teaching and learning Klaus-D. Graf is a professor of computer science at Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, specializing in applications in education and society Francis Lopez-Real is a professor of mathematics education at The University of Hong Kong, specializing in problem-solving and dynamic geometry

1 Ebooks by Klaus-D. Graf

Frederick Koon-Shing Leung & Klaus-D. Graf: Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions- A Comparative Study of East Asia and the West
MARGARET WU, PARK KWNGMEE & LEUNG KOON SHING FREDERICK 153 Chapter 2-1 : Some Comparative Studies between French and Vietnamese Curricula ANNIE BESSOT & CLAUDE COMITI 159 Chapter 2-2: An Overview of …