Francisco J. Martínez-López, MSc in Marketing, and European Ph D in Business Administration, with Extraordinary Doctoral Prize (University of Granada, Spain), is Professor of Business Administration at the University of Granada and the Open University of Catalonia (Barcelona) in Spain. He has been visiting scholar at the Zicklin School of Business (NY, USA), Aston Business School (Aston University, UK), the University of Chicago Booth School of Business (IL, USA), the Michael Smurfit School of Business (Dublin, Ireland), Rutgers Business School (NJ, USA) and the Complutense University Business School (Madrid, Spain). He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Business Environment (Inderscience Publishers), Associate Editor of European Journal of Marketing (Emerald) and belongs to the Editorial Board of Industrial Marketing Management (Elsevier). Dr. Martínez-López has co-edited several international journals’ special issues and research books for leading publishers of business and management research as Springer and Elsevier. He has also co-authored the text book “e-business Strategies for E-business: Creating Value through Electronic and Mobile Commerce. Concepts and cases (3rd Edition)” (Pearson). Likewise, he has published more than 80 papers in international journals and conferences proceedings.
Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad is currently an associate professor of marketing at the Economics and Business School, University of Almería (Spain). Ph D in Marketing at University of Almería. Visiting professor at the University of Ghent (Belgium) in 2005. His research interests cover several marketing topics, especially those related to retailing and consumer behaviour. He is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Business Environment. His work has been published in Journal of Retailing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Internet Research, International Journal of Market Research, International Journal of Environmental Research, The Service Industries Journal, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Agribusiness, among others. He has contributed more than 100 papers to conference proceedings.
Kusum Ailawadi is the Charles Jordan 1911 TU”12 Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Kusum’s research focuses on the strategic interaction and distribution of power between manufacturers and their distribution channel partners. She examines the impact of store brands and promotions on the performance of manufacturers and retailers, and studies consumer, competitor, and retailer response to major marketing policy changes. Her most recent work also examines how marketing actions and consumers’ own characteristics drive the nutritional quality of their grocery food shopping. Kusum’s work has been honored for excellence in collaborative research between academics and practitioners, and for outstanding application of marketing science methods to practice. She has examined the effectiveness of policy changes by packaged goods manufacturers like Procter & Gamble, assessed the profit impact of the strategies of retailers like Hannaford and CVS, and studied the reaction of incumbent retailers to a major entrant like Wal-Mart. She is a recipient of best paper awards from top marketing journals like Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, and Journal of Retailing; the winner of the Marketing Science Institute/Journal of Marketing Research competition for academic-practitioner collaborative research; and a finalist for multiple awards from the Journal of Marketing Research as well as the ISMS Practice Prize. Recently, her Journal of Marketing paper on store brands and store loyalty was selected as one of the 50 best papers of 2008 published in all management journals. Besides publishing extensively in the top academic journals, she has written for the Wall Street Journal, USNews and World Report, the CMO Strategy Forum at Advertising Age, and the Harvard Business Review among others. Kusum is an associate editor for two major marketing journals – Journal of Marketing and International Journal of Research in Marketing – and on the editorial boards of several others, including the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, and Marketing Science. She serves on the board of trustees of Southern New Hampshire University and as an academic trustee of the Marketing Science Institute and Ai Mark, organizations in the US and Europe respectively that brings together academics, senior practitioners, and data providers to facilitate research and idea exchange.
María Jesús Yagüe is professor for Marketing at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Her research interest is in branding, customer relationship, tourism marketing and multichannel commerce.
3 Ebooks by Kusum L. Ailawadi
Francisco J. Martínez-López & Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad: Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing
This book presents the latest research on national brand and private label marketing – a collection of original, rigorous and highly relevant contributions of the 2017 International Conference …
Kusum L. Ailawadi & Paul W. Farris: Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right
Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right provides a comprehensive treatment of modern distribution strategy that is analytically solid, clearly written, and relevant for managers as well as MBA and e …
Kusum L. Ailawadi & Paul W. Farris: Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right
Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right provides a comprehensive treatment of modern distribution strategy that is analytically solid, clearly written, and relevant for managers as well as MBA and e …