About the author
Mr. Jyothish Kumar is the Founder CEO of Rapitech Solutions Inc., Bangalore and the Founder President of the Additive Manufacturing Society of India (AMSI), Bang...
About the author
Mr. Jyothish Kumar is the Founder CEO of Rapitech Solutions Inc., Bangalore and the Founder President of the Additive Manufacturing Society of India (AMSI), Bangalore. He received his Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Engineering, Mysore and his Master’s degree in Rapid Product Development from De Montfort University, UK. Mr. Kumar is currently pursuing Ph D research in Aerospace Applications of Additive Manufacturing Technologies. Prior to that he served in various areas of the Mechanical Engineering industry, such as Quality Assurance, Marketing, Sales and Product Development in India and abroad. He has specialized experience in Quality Management Systems and Rapid Product Development. Mr. Kumar is currently the Managing Editor of the Additive Manufacturing Technology Magazine, the only journal for in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Technologies in India.
Professor Pulak M. Pandeyis currently serving as a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. After completing his B.Tech from H.B.T.I. Kanpur in 1993, he went on to do his Master’s and Ph D from IIT Kanpur, where his Ph D was in the area of Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing. In IIT Delhi, Dr Pandey diversified his research areas in the field of micro and nano finishing, micro-deposition and also continued working in the area of 3D Printing. He supervised 21 Ph.D.s and more than 33 M.Tech. theses in last 10 years and also filed 13 Indian patent applications. He has approximately 119 international journal papers and 44 international/national refereed conference papers to his credit. These papers have been cited for more than 3056 times with h-index as 26. He received Highly Commended Paper Award by Rapid Prototyping Journal for the paper “Fabrication of three dimensional open porous regular structure of PA 2200 for enhanced strength of scaffold using selective laser sintering” published in 2017. Many of the B. Tech and M. Tech projects he has supervised have received awards and accolades, and his students have won the GYTI (Gandhian Young Technological Innovation) Award in 2013, 2015 and 2017. Prof Pandey is the recipient of the Outstanding Young Faculty Fellowship (IIT Delhi) sponsored by Kusuma Trust, Gibraltar and J.M. Mahajan outstanding teacher award of IIT Delhi.
Professor David Ian Wimpenny is currently the Chief Technologist at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), Coventry, UK. He joined the MTC as a Technology Manager in 2011 and worked as a full time Technologist of the Component Technology Group at the MTC. He is the Chairman of the Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing Forum for the HVM Catapult. His past roles include being Head of the research at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK from 2009 to 2011, and Director of the Additive Manufacturing Technology Group at the Department of Engineering and Technology, De Montfort University, from 2001 to 2011. Professor Wimpenny is also a member of the Additive Manufacturing Special Interest Group (AM-SIG), which was established by the Technology Strategy Board to develop a road map for the UK AM sector. His major activities are in the areas of Additive Manufacturing, Rapid Product Development, Laser Printing, Surface Engineering and Manufacturing Production Tooling. He has published more than 60 papers in international/national journals and presented papers at seminars and international conferences. He holds three patents for Rapid Prototyping, Reverse Engineering and Computer Aided Design. Professor Wimpenny also serves on the review committee of several reputed International Journals like Additive Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping, Materials Processing Technology etc. He has two books to his credit, and was a co-editor of the Rapid Prototyping Case Book, Professional Engineering Publications.