As European integration continues, the future of EMU becomes ever more important. Can EMU help create an integrated European community, or will it prove a hindrance to the EU project? This book brings together the experts in the area to provide an interdisciplinary perspective on the issues expected to face EMU over the next few decades.
Table of Content
Preface Introduction; L.S.Talani Some Thoughts on Monetary and Political Union; P.De Grauwe European Fiscal Policy Coordination and the Persistent Myth of Stabilization; E.Jones The Role of Preferences and the Sustainability of EMU; F.Torres Globalisation vs. Europeanization: Assessing the Impact of EMU on Business Cycle Affiliation; M.Artis EMU and the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue: Trade Interdependence Between Mediterranean and Euro-area Countries; G.Fazio In and Out of Monetary Unions: Lessons from, and Risks for the EMU: An Alternative Approach to Monetary Unions; A.Verde EMU and the Quest for Competitiveness; L.S.Talani The Lisbon Strategy, Macroeconomic Stability and the Dilemma of Governance with Governments: Or Why Europe Is Not Becoming the World’s Most Dynamic Economy; S.Collignon Conclusion: The Future of EMU; L.S.Talani
About the author
MICHAEL ARTIS Director, Manchester Regional Economics Centre, Institute for Political and Economic Governance, University of Manchester, UK STEFAN COLLIGNON Professor of Political Economy, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa; Chairman, Scientific Committee of the Centro Europa Ricerche (CER), Roma, Italy GIORGIO FAZIO Lecturer in Economics, DSEAF, University of Palermo, Italy PAUL DE GRAUWE Professor of International Monetary Economics, Faculty of Economics and Applied Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research, UK ERIK JONES Resident Professor of European Studies, Johns Hopkins Bologna Center FRANCISCO TORRES Professor and Head of Research, IEE, Catholic University, Lisbon, Portugal; Coordinator, European Studies Programme, Portuguese National Institute for Public Administration, Portugal ANTIMO VERDE Professor of International Economics, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy