Textbook of Lifestyle Medicine
The Textbook of Lifestyle Medicine provides foundational knowledge essential to students and scientists across various disciplines to better understand this new area of research and practice. Incorporating the latest evidence-based research on the relationships between lifestyle factors and disease, this unique book discusses the practical tools necessary to address growing public health crises such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease using a holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual wellness.
The book offers comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of how lifestyle medicine professionals can prevent and mitigate ‘Lifestyle Diseases’. Clear and accessible chapters explore modifiable lifestyle factors that positively affect health, nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress control, and social support, and highlight the negative impact of smoking, alcohol abuse, and other unhealthy lifestyles. Topics include sleep physiology, the genetic background and development of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), the characteristics and principles of healthy lifestyle, the clinical significance of physical activity, and the mechanisms connecting social interaction and health implications. This important resource:
* Discusses the global burden and risk factors of the modern disease epidemic
* Covers a variety of nutritional approaches including the Mediterranean Diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet
* Features in-depth coverage of the Mediterranean Lifestyle, a holistic approach to health and wellness
* Includes a clinical practice section and appendices on preventive medicine and public health tools and recommendations
* Contains key points, take-home messages, self-assessment questions, color artwork and numerous references, citations, internet links, and further reading suggestions
Written by two world experts in this growing field, the Textbook of Lifestyle Medicine is a must-have volume for students and practitioners in nutrition, exercise physiology, psychology, addiction therapy, sleep therapy, as well as physicians, nurses, and other health professionals wanting to expand their knowledge and practice.
Table of Content
About The Authors viii
Preface ix
Abbreviation List xi
Unit I Lifestyle Choices and Human Health
1 Basic Concepts: Health, Wellness, and Lifestyle 3
2 The Lifestyle Disease Epidemic: Global Burden and Risk Factors 7
3 Components of an Unhealthy Lifestyle 14
4 Characteristics and Principles of a Healthy Lifestyle 28
Unit II Healthy Diets
5 Progression from Nutrients to Dietary Patterns 35
6 Popular Dietary Patterns Around the World 40
7 The Mediterranean Diet: A Dietary Pattern That Has Stood the Test of Time 55
Unit III From Mediterranean Diet to Mediterranean Lifestyle
8 The Mediterranean Lifestyle Paradigm 77
9 Physical Activity in the Mediterranean Region 85
10 The Need for Sleep and Its Effect on Health 104
11 Social Life, Spirituality, and Stress Management 115
Unit IV Mediterranean Lifestyle in Clinical Practice
12 Use of the Mediterranean Lifestyle Paradigm in the Prevention and Treatment of the Metabolic Syndrome 125
13 Obesity Case Study 130
14 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Case Study 154
15 Hypertension Case Study 169
16 Dyslipidemia Case Study 185
Appendix A Answers to Self-Assessment Questions 202
Appendix B Dietary Models and One-Day Sample Meal Plans 213
Appendix C Food Components of the Mediterranean Diet 231
Appendix D Assessment Tools for the Various Lifestyle Components 242
Glossary 262
Index 265
About the author
Labros S. Sidossis, Ph D, FTOS, FAHA, FNAK, Distinguished Professor and Chairperson, Department of Kinesiology and Health; Professor, Department of Medicine, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Director, Wellness and Lifestyle Science Initiative; Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA.
Stefanos N. Kales, MD, MPH, FACP, FACOEM, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Professor and Director, Occupational Medicine Residency, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health; Division Chief, Occupational Medicine, Cambridge Health Alliance, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.