The uplifting story of how one camp gave children with visual impairment new confidence in their own abilities.
In 1995, Lauren Lieberman was an assistant professor with a dream: to form an educational sports camp for children who are visually impaired. Beginning with a small grant, Lieberman built a local program that grew into a worldwide movement. The Camp Abilities model has now been replicated all over the United States and in ten other countries. The Camp Abilities Story relates Lieberman’s journey-from her earliest experiences in sports, to her ‘aha moment’ during college, to her Fulbright scholarship and starting Camp Abilities programs worldwide. With an inspirational yet honest view of how a dream to make a difference in the world was tempered by the reality of the hard work necessary to change lives, the lessons herein are applicable to anyone with a dream to make the world a better place.
Table of Content
Paul Ponchillia
Prologue: Just over the Horizon
1. Growing Up
Dad, Can I Have a Unicycle?
Introduction to Adapting
Going to Camp
Choosing a Path in Higher Education
More to Learn
2. Perkins School for the Blind
Keeping My Eye on the Goalball
Sometimes We Learn the Hard Way
New Opportunities
3. Becoming a Professor
Usher-Friendly Volleyball
Working with Deaf Children
What’s Your Dream?
4. Birth of Camp Abilities
From Dream to Reality
Camp Begins
Some Early Lessons
5. A Day in the Life of a Camper
Settling In
Breakfast Takes Practice
Believe You Can Achieve!
Sharing Our Accomplishments with Each Other
After Lunch We Put Our Feet on the Bed
Wrapping Things Up at Dinner
Bringing in the Next Generation with Camp Can Do
Giving Campers a Finish Line
Giving Campers a Chance to Show Their Talents
6. Beyond Brockport: Camp Abilities Expands
Camp Abilities Alaska
Camp Abilities Arizona
Camp Abilities Puerto Rico
Camp Abilities Pennsylvania
7. Changing the Game
Thriving by Adapting
Beep Kickball and Judy Byrd
When Campers Change Their Own Game
Bringing Worlds Together
Building Future Leaders
8. We Can Do Hard Things
Hard Hits from the Outside
Never Giving Up
Hard Calls on the Inside
Tragedy Strikes
9. Getting Help
Diving Deeper: Water Activities
Look No Further Than Family
10. Further Expansions
Long Island
Saratoga, New York
11. Extending Our Reach
Winter Camp Abilities
Kosher Camp Abilities
Camp Abilities in the Media
Expanding Camp Abilities in St. Louis
12. Camp Abilities around the World
Costa Rica
13. Fulbright Global Scholar Award
Mission Complete (or Not)
14. Moving Forward and Changing Lives
The Making of a Paralympian
Virtual Camp Abilities
Continuing Virtual in 2021
Kenya Camp Abilities
Epilogue: The Future of Camp Abilities
About the author
Lauren J. Lieberman is Distinguished Service Professor at the State University of New York at Brockport. Her many books include Universal Design for Learning in Physical Education (coauthored with Michelle Grenier, Ali Brian, and Katrina Arndt) and Strategies for Inclusion: Physical Education for All (coauthored with Cathy Houston-Wilson).