Author: Lauren Wilson

Cliff was born on December 5, 1941, two days before Pearl Harbor was bombed. He was born in a small town of Columbia, Louisiana on the Ouachita River. His family moved to Woodsboro, Texas in 1949. Cliffs dad worked for Standard Oil and Gas Co. and they moved all over Texas. While in Brownsville, Texas Cliff met the love of his life, Jacqueline Vickrey. They were married in 1960. Cliff hired on with E. I. Du Pont in June of 1961 and worked for them 38 years. He worked mostly on the dock loading ships and barges. Cliff and Jackie have lived in Nederland, Texas 55 years, they are active in Wesley United Methodist Church. Cliff says, You can always get a good cup of coffee at the church. Cliff has always liked to tell stories and his favorite saying is Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. He was fortunate to meet one of his favorite authors, Elmer Kelton and his wife Anna, in Fredericksburg, Texas. He talked about the trip so much, everyone around him was reading Kelton. Elmer Kelton was a seven-time Spur award winner and a member of the Western Writers Hall of Fame.

8 Ebooks by Lauren Wilson

Clifford Kennedy: Heart of Gold
This story is about a young man from Alabama, a sharecroppers son. Farming was all he had ever done, and it was all he knew. After his parents death, he decides to go for a ride and sort out his life …
Eileen Konieczny & Lauren Wilson: Healing with CBD
A complete, easy-to-understand guide to cannabidiol (CBD) treatments and benefits.Drawing from years of patient experience, extensive scientific studies and the current product landscape, this comple …
Merry Jane: Merry Jane’s The CBD Solution: Living
Here is a guide to improving your day-to-day routines using CBD in every room of your home—for wellness, sleep, sex, cooking, entertaining, and with your pets. From the team behind Merry Jane, the ca …
Lauren Wilson: Walking Dead: The Official Cookbook and Survival Guide
Based on AMC’s hit series, this post-apocalyptic cookbook features tips on hunting and foraging plus recipes inspired by or featured on the show.The Walking Dead: The Official Cookbook and Surv …
Victoria Barker & David Bell: Cambridge Guide to Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
A unique and accessible guide to contemporary psychodynamic therapy and its applications. An author line-up of experienced educators guide the reader through the breadth of psychodynamic concepts in …
Lauren Wilson: The Goldens
Dieses Buch macht süchtig: Glamourös und schillernd – und brodelnd vor Gefahr Als die unscheinbare Chloe in den Dunstkreis der coolen Influencerin Clara Holland gerät, kann sie es kaum fassen. Ihre F …