Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Processing in Wireless Communications incorporates orthogonal space-time processing using STBCs in MIMO wireless communication systems. Complex Orthogonal STBCs (CO STBCs) are given emphasis because they can be used for PSK/QAM modulation schemes and are more practical than real STBCs.
The overall coverage provides general knowledge about space-time processing and its applications for broad audiences. It also includes the most up-to-date review of the literature on space-time processing in general, and space-time block processing in particular. The authors also examine open issues and problems for future research in this area.
Table of Content
Overview of the Book.- Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Systems with Space-Time Codes.- New Square, Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes for Eight Transmitter Antennas.- Multi-Modulation Schemes to Achieve Higher Data Rate.- Two Novel Construction Classes for Improved, Square CO STBCs.- Transmitter Diversity Antenna Selection Techniques for Mimo Systems.- Performance of Diversity Antenna Selection Techniques in Imperfect Channels.- Conclusions.