Author: Leroy A. Huizenga

Stefan Alkier (Ph.D., Bonn) is Professor of New Testament and the History of the Early Church, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main. His past books include Zeichen aus Text und Stein: Studien auf dem Weg zu einer Archäologie des Neuen Testaments (with Jürgen Zangenberg, 2003), Wunder und Wirklichkeit in den Briefen des Apostels Paulus: Ein exegetischer Beitrag zu einem Wunderverständnis jenseits von Entmythologisierung und Rehistorisierung (2001), and Urchristentum: zur Geschichte und Theologie einer exegetischen Disziplin (1993). Leroy A. Huizenga (Ph.D., Duke University) is Chair of the Department of Theology, Associate Professor of Theology, and the Director of the Christian Leadership Center at the University of Mary in Bismark, ND.

2 Ebooks by Leroy A. Huizenga

Stefan Alkier: The Reality of the Resurrection
In The Reality of the Resurrection Stefan Alkier bridges the chasm between history and theology. Through a patient historical, canonical, and hermeneutical study, Alkier demonstrates that the resurre …
Richard B. Hays & Stefan Alkier: Reading the Bible Intertextually
Reading the Bible Intertextually explores the revisionary hermeneutical practices of the writers of the four gospels. Each of the contributors examines the distinctive ways that the canonical evangel …