Nurses and other public health practitioners have a crucial role to
play in helping to improve the collective well being of society and
so developing skills in public health – preventing disease,
prolonging life and promoting health – is key to this
process. Public Health Skills: A practical guide for nurses and
public health practitioners covers the complete spectrum of
public health practice: the effective assessment and management of
need, understanding policy and how to affect its implementation;
before moving on to explore practical issues and themes surrounding
the facilitation of public health. Within the four sections of the
book, the text is organised around the ten core public health
skills outlined in the National Occupational Standards for the
practice of public health, covering skills including surveillance
and assessment, collaborative working, working with communities,
strategy development, risk management, leadership and ethics.
Public Health Skills: A practical guide for nurses and public
health practitioners provides the fundamental, essential
knowledge and skills required to provide safe and effective
practice and is an invaluable resource for all those connected to
this vital, challenging and rapidly expanding aspect of health
Table of Content
Tour Guide.
Section 1: Assessment of public health needs.
1. Assessing and Identifying Health Needs: theories and
frameworks for practice.
2. Health Needs Assessment :appraising and measuring need.
3. Needs Assessment.
Section 2: Management of public health needs.
4. Collaborative Working: organisational development for
community participation.
5. Partnerships for Public Health: user involvement to improve
health and wellbeing.
6. Partnerships for Pulic Health: professional involvement to
improve health and wellbeing.
7. Communication and You.
Section 3: Public Health Policies and their Impact on
8. Appraising and Influencing Health Policy and Strategy.
9. Strategic Leadership for Health and Wellbeing.
10. Health Protection and the Role of the Public Health
11. Research and Development: analysis and interpretation of
12. Quality and Risk Management in Primary Care Settings.
Section 4: Facilitation of Public Health Activities.
13. Quality and Risk Management: safe guarding children and
vulnerable groups.
14. Developing Programmes, Services and Reducing
15. Programme Planning for Health Education.
16. Ethically Managing Self, People and Resources to Improve the
Health and Wellbeing of Patients and Clients in the Community.
Glossary of terms.
About the author
Lesley Coles is a Lecturer in Public health in the School of
Nursing and Midwifery, at the University of Southampton.
Elizabeth Porter is a Lecturer in Public Health Practice
and Health Visiting in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, at the
University of Southampton.