Armed with a generous heart, subtle mind, and a Ph D in comparative religion from Columbia, Lex Hixon, as host for WBAI’s In the Spirit, was able to interview and skillfully probe the leading spiritual lights of the seventies and beyond. Twenty-five of those interviews, finely edited, appear here for the first time in print. Includes short bios and photos. Interviewees include Ram Dass, Alan Watts, Daniel Berrigan, Swami Muktananda, Kalu Rinpoche, and Stephen Gaskin.
Lex Hixon was an accomplished spiritual practitioner, scholar, and author who explored the great religious traditions extensively. He published nine books and spent seventeen years hosting the radio program In the Spirit.
Table of Content
Foreword: Bernie Glassman
Preface: Paul Gorman
Introduction: Sheila K. Hixon
Part One: Western Sacred Traditions in Transformation
1. Mother Serena
2. Mother Theresa of Calcutta
3. Brother David Steindl-Rast
4. Pir Vilayat Khan
5. Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Efendi
6. Bawa Mahaiyadeen
7. Shlomo Carlebach
8. Zalman Schachter
9. Perle Epstein
10. Rabbia Heller
11. Reb Gedaliah
Part Two: The Traditional Tantric Way of the East Comes West
12. Swami Muktananda
13. Swami Satchidananda
14. Ma Yogashakti
15. Tarthang Tulku
16. Dudjom Rinpoche
17. Kalu Rinpoche
18. Sakya Trizin
Part Three: Contemporary Spirituality/Moving Outside Tradition
The New Age Phenomenon
19. Mary Bailey
20. David Spangler
21. Peter and Eileen Cady
Psychology and Meditation
22. Dr. Patricia Carrington
23. Baba Ram Dass
24. John Roger
Social Conscience
25. David Dellinger
26. Daniel Berrigan
Part Four: The Bridge Between Traditions and Cultures
27. Adi K. Irani on the New Life of Meher Baba
28 Lex Hixon on Ramakrishna
Zen in the West
29. Alan Watts
30. Stephen and Ina May Gaskin
31. Bernie Glassman
About the author
Lex Hixon: Lex Hixon was an accomplished spiritual practitioner and author who explored extensively the great religious traditions. He authored nine books and spent 13 years hosting the radio program, “In the Spirit”, on WBAI where he interviewed many prominent spiritual teachers. He died in 1995.
Sheila Hixon: Sheila Hixon is the wife of Lex Hixon. She accompanied Lex on many spiritual explorations. After his death she maintained the archives containing recordings of Lex’s WBAI interviews. Following the outline Lex wrote before his untimely death, she has resurrected the book Lex intended to publish.
Bernard Glassman: Zen Master Bernie Glassman is a world-renowned pioneer in the American Zen Movement. He is a spiritual leader, published author, accomplished academic and successful businessman with a Ph D in Applied Mathematics.His books include ‘The Dude and the Zen Master’ with Jeff Bridges.
Paul Gorman: Paul Gorman was a producer at WBAI for many years, including the seventies. It was Paul who conceived the idea of In the Spirit and solicited Lex to host it. Paul later went on to co-author a book with Ram Dass titled ‘How Can I Help?’ about the role of service in the spiritual journey.