A non-biased, grounded, and practical approach to employee engagement
For managers and business leaders who want to enhance performance, this easy-to-use guide to employee management offers real solutions for getting workers engaged and increasing productivity. It explains what employee engagement is, why it matters, what the benefits of it are, what helps and hinders it, how to measure it, how to put theory into action when trying to create it. As an added benefit, it offers plenty of advice on how managers can keep themselves engaged, even during the toughest of times.
Table of Content
Foreword vii
Introduction 1
1 What is engagement – and why does it matter?5
2 Why is engagement so elusive? 27
3 What drives engagement? 55
4 Do you know how engaged your people are right now? 87
5 So what are your employees telling you? 115
6 Getting beyond analysis and into action 133
7 Roadblocks to creating an engaged workforce 155
8 Building a culture of engagement 177
9 Engaging managers 205
10 Engagement in tough times 231
11 Finding meaning, growth and engagement 265
Annex 1: Comparison of the employee engagement model and other
views of engagement drivers 303
Annex 2: Engagement model and action areas 307
Bibliography 309
Index 321
About the author
Linda Holbeche Ph D is a leading teacher and writer on HR
topics. She was ranked number three in Human Resources
magazine’s most influential 2009 roll call of top industry
thinkers. Until recently, she was the Director of Research and
Policy at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
She is also a Visiting Professor of Leadership Innovation at the
University of Bedfordshire, a Visiting Professor in HRM and
Organisation Development at Cass Business School (London), an
Adjunct Professor (Executive Education) at Imperial College, London
and a Visiting Fellow of the UK Commission for Employment and
Skills. In addition to this she is an Associate of Erasmus Business
School (Rotterdam), Edinburgh Napier University and Ashridge
Management College. Linda is a Chartered Fellow of CIPD and a
Fellow of both the RSA and the Institute of Leadership and
Management (ILM).
Geoffrey Matthews is an experienced HR executive with an
extensive background in employee engagement, organizational
development, rewards, and international HR. He is currently Vice
President HR Strategy for Merck KGa A, a leading DAX 30 European
chemical and pharmaceutical company. Prior to this, Geoff held
senior HR positions in a number of major companies including Roche
and Hewlett-Packard. He is a Fellow of the UK Chartered Management
Institute as well as being a member of the CIPD, SHRM and World at