Many educational institutions headed by women dont get the credit they deserve. I think that the missing critical argument for the value of these women is not being recognized or even revered. Thinking about those women today and in history, their stories seem so insignificant to men and their accomplishments! Also, Ive taught Sunday school for years at several different churches. When creating lesson plans, Ive found that many of the stories being taught to the children were male-orientated. As I searched for diversity (men and women teachings), it was frustrating to me! Even in the Bible, the women stories seem to be short on expressing the roles they played in several enormous and crucial events, making them the catalysts that shaped and defined those events.
About the author
I am an Adjunct Associate College Professor at Madonna University. For the past 40 years, I have been inspired to be an educator, (my spiritual gift) teaching at several different universities, colleges, public schools and for Oakland Schools (ISD) working on numerous projects supporting instructional initiatives, tutoring at the Oakland Opportunity Academy and its Technical Centers. However, most of these educational institutions are operated by women! From each of those women they have enhanced my educational experiences as an educator and person growth from their thoughtfulness and wisdom.