This book investigates how arts-based research methods can positively influence people’s resilience and well-being, particularly in constraining environments. Using examples from arts-based research methods in different contexts and from across the globe, the book brings together a diverse range of perspectives to understand how both resilience and well-being can be supported in a world that is rarely stress free.
Collectively they demonstrate how arts-based research methods can: provide agency through the foregrounding of participants’ voices; afford transformational learning opportunities; create opportunities for relationship building; support creativity and new ways of thinking; generate aspirations and hope; encourage forms of communication that expose ideas, emotions and feelings that previously might not have been known or known how to be expressed; and enhance reflection and reflexivity. The authors explore how art-based practices, such as clowning, collage, dramatisation, drawing, painting, role-play and sculpting, can be used to support the resilience and well-being of individuals and groups across the lifespan, and theorize how arts-based research methods can positively contribute to participants’ positive self-esteem, self-image and ability to cope with challenges and new circumstances. Academics, professional learning facilitators, higher education students, and anyone interested in resilience and well-being in the health and education sectors will find this an interesting and engaging text.
Table of Content
Chapter 1. Introduction: Defining and theorising key concepts of resilience and well-being and arts-based research; Georgina Barton, Loraine Mc Kay, Susanne Garvis, Viviana Sappa.- Chapter 2. Early childhood education, arts-based research and resilience; Susanne Garvis.- Chapter 3. How arts-based methods are used to support the resilience and well-being of young people: A review of the literature; Abbey Mac Donald, Margaret Baguley, Georgina Barton and Martin Kerby.- Chapter 4. Building resilience through listening to children and young people about their health preferences using arts-based methods; Jane Coad.- Chapter 5. Promoting resilience in youth through participation in an arts-based mindfulness group program; Diana Coholic.- Chapter 6. Engendering hope using photography in arts-based research with children and youth; Sophie Yohani.- Chapter 7. Using arts-based reflection to explore the resilience and well-beingof mature-age women in the initial year of preservice teacher education; Loraine Mc Kay and Kathy Gibbs.- Chapter 8. Joint painting for understanding the development of emotional regulation and adjustment between mother and son in expressive arts therapy; Rainbow T. H. Ho and C. C. Wong.- Chapter 9. Empowering in-service teachers: A resilience-building intervention based on the forum theatre technique; Viviana Sappa and Antje Barabsch.- Chapter 10. Overcoming a lived experience of personal impasse by creating a theatrical drama: an example of promoting resilience in adult education; Deli Salini and Marc Durand.- Chapter 11. Clowning training to improve working conditions and increase the well-being of employees; Reinhard Tschiesner and Alessandra Farneti.- Chapter 12. The reflexive practitioner; using arts-based methods and research for professional development; Cecilie Meltzer.- Chapter 13. University teachers’ professional identity work and emotions in the context of an arts-based identity coaching program; Katja Vähäsantanen, Päivi Hökkä and Susanna Paloniemi.- Chapter 14. “Colouring outside the lines”: Employment and resilience for art-makers with disabilities; Tanya Riches, Vivienne Riches and Bruce O’Brien.- Chapter 15. Beating stress, the Swedish way: Time for a ‘fika’; Liisa Uusimaki.- Chapter 16. Using clay in Spiritually Ecological-Existential Art therapy: To “see”, to “listen” and to “understand” by hands; Jaroslava Anna Šicková-Fabrici.- Chapter 17. Picturing childhood connections: How arts-based reflection and representation strengthen preservice early childhood teachers’ understandings about well-being, belonging, and place; Alison L Black.- Chapter 18. Arts based research across the lifespan and its contribution to resilience and well-being; Loraine Mc Kay, Georgina Barton, Viviana Sappa, Susanne Garvis.
About the author
Loraine Mc Kay is a senior lecturer in the School of Education and Professional Studies at Griffith University, Australia. Her work involves capacity building to promote resilience, agency and efficacy within preservice and beginning teachers’ professional identity. She is interested in exploring the role of arts in reflective practice within teacher education.
Georgina Barton is an associate professor in the School of Teacher Education and Early Childhood at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. She researches in the areas of the arts and literacy with diverse communities. She is a co-editor of the Palgrave Handbook of Global Arts Education with Margaret Baguley.
Susanne Garvis is a professor at the University of Gothenburg, and a guest professor at Stockholm University, Sweden. She researches in the field of early childhood education. She has been involved in national and international research projects, providedconsultancy to government agencies and NGOs and developed expert reports for various agencies around the delivery of early childhood education.
Viviana Sappa is a senior researcher and teachers’ educator at Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) in Lugano, Switzerland. She has substantial experience in research in education and VET and in teacher education with a focus on teachers’ resilience, identity development and transitions in the life span. Viviana is an adjunct member of Griffith Institute of Educational Research (GIER) at Griffith University.