We Are Urged to Know Ourselves..
And to Know Our Worth…
But what if Worth is in the Eye of the Beholder?
Is it better to know our Assets?
Because there are certain Assets that are almost universally appreciated across the spectrum of Mankind, whereas mere ‘features’ are like flavors of ice cream, and each of us have our own preferences?
Indeed, if a well-loved movie star or anyone else has made great headway in these assets, do they then have a far broader appeal than to simply a niche audience?
The author examines assets such as Respect; and the tie-in to his view that Respect-Words are deterministic words; and the asset of not catastrophizing; and the third asset of using as few denials as possible – with the tie-in that disrespectful words are apparently part and parcel of a denial of the deterministic nature – the Cause-and-Effect nature – of all of the Universe, including Mankind.
There are references to Jesus, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Einstein, Thoreau, and more. The author studied electrical engineering, mathematics, and then, his own self, in generating these ideas. He is sixty-three