Professor Christine A. Lee, Consultant in Haematology, Royal
Free Hospital, London
Dr Keith Hoots, Gulf State Hemophilia Center, University
of Texas Health Sciences Center, USA
Dr Eric Berntop, Malmo University Hospital, Sweden
2 Ebooks by Louis M. Aledort
Christine A. Lee & Erik E. Berntorp: Textbook of Hemophilia
The only up-to-date definitive reference source on hemophilia This book is an invaluable resource that provides an overview of all aspects of the care of patients with haemophilia. Covering how to as …
Louis M. Aledort & Leon W. Hoyer: Inhibitors to Coagulation Factors
"For the blood is the life . . . . "(Deut. 12 :23) " . . . because the blood, in its value as life, makes atonement" (Lev. 17: 11) Hemo Philia is a rare disease, severe hemophilia …