Author: Louis Redding

This book is supported by the research and work that is being undertaken by the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Through-life Engineering Services and continues to build on the EPSRC IMRC research findings relative to Product Service Systems, servitization, and on-going case work with industrial partners. The research within the centre is currently supported by several major industrial organisations which include Rolls Royce, BAE Systems, Bombardier Transportation Plc, and the Ministry of Defence (UK).

2 Ebooks by Louis Redding

Louis Redding & Rajkumar Roy: Through-life Engineering Services
Demonstrating the latest research and analysis in the area of through-life engineering services (TES), this book utilizes case studies and expert analysis from an international array of practitioners …
Louis Redding & Rajkumar Roy: Advances in Through-life Engineering Services
This edited book offers further advances, new perspectives, and developments from world leaders in the field of through-life engineering services (TES). It builds up on the earlier book by the same a …