‘For the seasoned professional, the book provides a way of developing the administration team. For potential administrators, the book introduces a range of topics for consideration before entering the field.’
John Davis, Principal
Juan Cabrillo Elementary School, Malibu, CA
How do your policies measure up to codes for disciplinary practice? Build a school community where educators and students can concentrate on the business of learning.
Rosen offers the best ideas and most workable discipline practices from more than 1, 000 school leaders.
School Discipline, Best Practices for Administrators, Second Edition, is loaded with updates and gives administrators all the tools they need to create a safe environment, from dealing effectively with the 5% of students who take up 90% of their time, to creating a positive public image in the community. It also helps educators keep up with the latest research and effective methods while helping teachers gain good classroom management skills.
Updates include:
- Strategies aligned to ‘Safe and Drug Free Schools’ legislation
- Timely issues such as fairness of zero tolerance policies
- Implications of new suspension and expulsion legalities
- Coverage of recent court decisions and rulings
- A new chapter offering strategies aligned to IDEA for students with special needs
- A new chapter offering prevention strategies
For both seasoned administrators and those new to the job, this book will help you ensure a safe and just campus while allowing diversity and individuality to flourish. This hands-on guide contains contracts, reproducible forms, and worksheets that you can use as is or customize for your own school.
Table of Content
List of Forms and Figures
About the Author
1. Fair Schoolwide Discipline
Defining the Goals of School Discipline
Providing Leadership for Fair and Just Discipline Practices
Using a Justice Issues School Checklist
2. Developing Good School Rules and a Student Code of Conduct
Legal Requirement for Local School Rules
What Makes a Good School Rule?
What to Include in a Student Code of Conduct
A Model Student Code of Conduct
3. Setting Consequences for Breaking Rules
Teachers′ Responsibility for Classroom Discipline
Violations of Federal and State Laws and School Discipline
Consequences for Violating School Rules Outlined in the Student Code of Conduct
Prescriptive Discipline Strategies
Conducting Your Own Research on Discipline Strategies
4. Procedural Justice and Effective School Discipline
Landmark Due Process School Discipline Cases
Legal Authority for Administering Schools
Developing Fair Procedures for All
Linking Community Services, Law Enforcement, and Schools for High-Risk Youth
5. Suspension and Expulsion as Consequences
Long-Term Suspension or Expulsion
Exceptional Children
Student Questioning
Zero Tolerance
6. Disciplining Students With Disabilities
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act
Why Are There Special Rules About Discipline for Children With Disabilities?
Does IDEA Contain Provisions That Promote Proactive Up-Front Measures That Will Help Prevent Discipline Problems?
Can a Child With a Disability Who Is Experiencing Significant Disciplinary Problems Be Removed to Another Placement?
Can a Child With a Disablilty Be Removed From Placement for More Than Ten Days in a School Year?
After the Tenth School Day Then What?
Expulsion of Students With Disabilities
Weapons Possession by Students With Disabilities
7. Best Strategies to Keep Your School Safe
Prevention Strategies
Discovery Strategies
Remedies, Consequences, and Deterrents as Strategies
8. School Climate and Its Relation to School Discipline
The School as a Friendly Place
Group Openness
Emphasize the Positive
Promote Respect for Staff and Students
Promoting Classroom Management Skills
Valuing Diversity
School Climate and Communication
School Climate and School Safety
9. Mental Health and Anger Control as Prevention Strategies
Anger Control as a Prevention Strategy
Anger Control and High-Risk Students
Relations With the Community as a Prevention Strategy
The School Administrator as Employment Counselor
About the author
Louis Rosen, Ph D, is the executive director of the School Justice Institute, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the improvement of fair discipline practices in schools. He has been a high school principal in the Los Angeles area for 19 years; an assistant principal for 4 years; a high school counselor; and a high school social studies teacher. He was the project director of the Drugs in the Schools and Principles and Practices of Justice on School Campuses programs for the Center for Civic Education in Calabasas, California. He has also served as the executive director of Partners of Education of Toledo for three years. While he was director of Partners in Education of Toledo, the organization provided more than 2, 000 tutors and $2 million in resources for the public and Catholic schools of the Toledo area through partnerships with businesses and labor unions. He is the author of School Discipline Practices and several journal arti-cles that have appeared in the The High School Journal, a publication of the National Association of Secondary Schools Principals, and School Safety, published by the National School Safety Center. He was the principal writer of two student texts, Drugs in the Schools and Violence in the Schools, published by the Center for Civic Education. He has served as an acade-mic specialist for the United States Information Agency and initiated a special program on school justice issues for Arab and Jewish principals in Israel. He has a bachelor’s degree in history from UCLA, a master’s degree in secondary school administration from California State University at Los Angeles, and a Ph D in education from Claremont Graduate University. He resides in Pacific Palisades, California. He currently serves as a volunteer for the Los Angeles Superior Court as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children (CASA). He also volunteers for Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles and serves on the board of the Southern California Regional Council of Organizations as their representative. He is currently working on a book: College Is Not for Everyone.