‘Full of practical, down-to-earth advice and fresh biblical insights … a great resource for parents embarking on this new adventure.’ Chris and Jo Saxton
This book takes a totally unique look at pregnancy. Instead of focusing on ‘material’ preparations for having a baby, it helps us to prepare our hearts, emotions and spiritual lives for the arrival of a newborn.
It equips expectant mums and dads in shaping their attitudes towards parenthood, helping tem to bring God into every aspect of pregnancy, birth and life with a young baby.
Will and Lucinda share the story of their journey through pregnancy, and the stories of their friends, with humour and sensitivity. Theory biblical insights, interwoven with personal story, make for a human and engrossing read.
Table of Content
I. Pregnancy
How do you hold a baby? Beginning the pregnancy journey
By Louie
From lad to dad: Preparing for fatherhood
By Will
Faith or fear? Trusting God through pregnancy
By Louie
A new family When two become three: Starting a family
By Louie
What if we end up like our parents? Dealing with family damage
By Will
III: The birth
Happy Birthday: Giving birth with God on side
By Louie
The hand- holder: Dad and the birth
By Will
IV: The first year How do we adjust? Changing relationships as a new parent
By Will
Where is God in all this? Faith as a new parent
By Louie
Appendix: Prayers for pregnancy, birth and the early days
By Will and Louie
Further reading