Lúcio Cardoso (1912-1968) is one of the leading Brazilian writers of the period between 1930 and 1960. As well as authoring dozens of novels and short stories, he was also active as a playwright, poet, journalist, filmmaker, and painter. Within the history of Brazilian literature, his oeuvre pioneered subjective scrutiny of the modern self, bringing to the fore the personal dramas and dilemmas that underlie perceptions of collective existence.Margaret Jull Costahas translated dozens of works from both Spanish and Portuguese, including books by Javier Marías and José Saramago. Her translations have received numerous awards, including the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. In 2014 she was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire.Robin Patterson was mentored by Margaret Jull Costa, and has translated Our Musseque by José Luandino Vieira.
4 Ebooks by Lúcio Cardoso
Lúcio Cardoso: Chronicle of the Murdered House
Winner of the 2017 Best Translated Book Award Longlisted for the 2017 National Translation Award’The book itself is strange—part Faulknerian meditation on the perversities, including sexual, of degen …
Upton Sinclair: O fim do mundo
O FIM DO MUNDO, do premiado escritor estadunidense Upton Sinclair, retorna às livrarias com a célebre tradução de Lúcio Cardoso. A edição conta ainda com reprodução das características da 1ª edição b …
Liev Tolstói: Ana Karenina
Ana Karenina, um dos maiores clássicos de Liev Tolstói, em tradução do romancista Lúcio Cardoso e preparação, posfácio e cronologia do crítico Ésio Macedo Ribeiro. A grande habilidade de Liev Tolst …
Bram Stoker: Drácula
Na estreia do selo literário Amarcord, Drácula, de Bram Stoker, traduzido por Lúcio Cardoso, é reapresentado ao público brasileiro em edição especial, ilustrada e com capa dura. Um dos maiores clás …