A seminal collection of research methodology themes, this two-volume work provides a set of key scholarly developments related to robustness, allowing scholars to advance their knowledge of research methods used outside of their own immediate fields. With a focus on emerging methodologies within management, key areas of importance are dissected with chapters covering statistical modelling, new measurements, digital research, biometrics and neuroscience, the philosophy of research, computer modelling approaches and new mathematical theories, among others. A genuinely pioneering contribution to the advancement of research methods in business studies , Innovative Research Methodologies in Management presents an analytical and engaging discussion on each topic. By introducing new research agendas it aims to pave the way for increased application of innovative techniques, allow
ing the exploration of future research perspectives. Volume I covers a range of research methodologies within the realms of philosophy, measurement and modelling, and focusses on meta-modern mixed methods such as neurophilosophy, diagnostic measurement, and emotivity and ephemera research.Table of Content
1. Hosting a Successful Metamodern Party: Mixed Methods Management Research on the Web 2.0+; Anna K. Zarada, George G. Panigyrakis and Eugenia Tzoumaka.- 2. Why Consumer Psychology Needs Neurophilosophy; Paul M. W. Hackett and Gordon R. Foxall.- 3. Emotivity and Ephemera Research; Kip Jones.- 4. Abductive Thematic Network Analysis (ATNA) using ATLAS-ti; Komalsingh Rambaree.- 5. Diagnostic Measurement; Meghan Sullivan, Hongling Lao and Jonathan Templin.- 6. Incremental Optimization Mechanism for Constructing a Balanced Very Fast Decision Tree for Big Data; Hang Yang and Simon Fong.- 7. Bass Model with Explanatory Parameters; Mladen Sokele and Luiz Moutinho.- 8. A Brief Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms from the Perspective of Management Science; Volker Nissen.- 9. Applications of Evolutionary Algorithms to Management Problems; Volker Nissen.- 10. An Exposition of the Role of Considerations Sets in a DS/AHP Analysis of Consumer Choice; Malcolm J. Beynon, Luiz A. Moutinho and Cleopatra Veloutsou.
About the author
Luiz Moutinho is Professor of Bio Marketing and Futures Research at the DCU Business School, Dublin City University, Ireland. Previously, he was appointed to the Foundation Chair of Marketing at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Scotland. Having been a Full Professor for 28 years, Luiz has held posts in the UK at the University of Wales, Cardiff, and in the USA at Cleveland State University, Northern Arizona University and California State University. Luiz is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Modelling in Management (JM2) and has another four Associate Editorships, as well as being on the Editorial Boards of 45 international academic journals.
Mladen Sokele is Senior Expert for project management, planning and operational excellence at Croatian Telecom Inc., Zagreb, Croatia. He previously studied in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) at the University of Zagreb, Croatia and completed the General Management Program at the IEDC – Bled School of Management, Slovenia.