Bathing In The Woods: Discover Deceleration And Mindfulness With The Healing Power Of Nature (Increase Health, Satisfaction And Well-Being Through The Healing Power Of Nature).
What would it be like if there was a place where we could recharge our batteries for health, relaxation, strength, a long life and much more? Science has confirmed what nature lovers have always known: the forest does us good. Staying under the trees strengthens the body and immune system, reduces stress hormones, promotes optimism and positive feelings. Japanese doctors have developed the classic forest walk into a recognized stress management method that combines enjoyment and therapy in a wonderful way.
About the author
My great passion are books, and that’s why I started writing some books some time ago. It gives me particular pleasure to make life easier for readers, with my guides and to solve their problems. In doing so, I consciously choose topics that are close to my heart. The books are comprehensible, practical and written with light feather, so that reading the numerous tips, exercises and suggestions is just as much fun as trying them out.