Emerging Cancer Therapeutics is a trinary hard cover periodical that is designed to provide an up-to-date evidence-based review of a dedicated emerging cancer therapy topic of interest to clinicians and scientists involved in the care of patients receiving cancer treatment. It will serve as both a reference and instructional tool for students, housestaff, fellows, practicing clinical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgical oncologists, cancer biologists, and interdisciplinary colleagues throughout the oncology spectrum.
With contributions from internationally recognized experts, Lymphomas combines chapters on the evolving role of established therapies such as stem cell transplantation with other disease-oriented chapters describing pathway-directed agents and the evolving paradigm of ‘personalized’ lymphoma treatment. Coverage includes discussion of molecular characterization for different disease-specific lymphoma subtypes and the potential for developing ‘personalized’ treatment as well as reviewing the evolving role of conventional chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation, and other salvage treatments. The articles examine a range of lymphoma subtypes, including Hodgkin lymphoma, T-cell lymphoma, aggressive B-cell lymphoma, and others.
Table of Content
New Therapies in Hodgkin Lymphoma,
Yasuhiro Oki and
Anas Younes; Emerging Therapies in T-Cell Lymphoma,
Alison J. Moskowitz and
Steven M. Horwitz; Indolent Lymphoma: The Role and Impact of Novel Therapies,
Stephen Smith and
John William Sweetenham; Evolving Landscape in Mantle Cell Lymphoma: Emerging Trends and New Therapeutic Options,
Andre Goy; Novel Pathways and Therapeutic Strategies for Aggressive B-Cell Lymphoma,
Kieron Dunleavy,
Cliona Grant, and
Wyndham H. Wilson; Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,
Philip J. Bierman; Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for Lymphoma,
Stephen Mackinnon and
Ronjon Chakraverty; Nontransplant-Based Salvage Therapy for Aggressive Lymphoma,
Sophia Farooki and
Michael Crump
About the author
Jame Abraham, MD, FACP, is Bonnie Wells Wilson Distinguised Professor and Eminent Scholar, Chief Section of Hematology – Oncology, and Medical Director, Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia