Author: Lynn Mystic-Healer

Lynn Mystic-Healer had careers as a RN (Canada and rural Oregon), a LMT, and was an international business woman for nearly 10 years. She was brought up in the military, and realizes that violence, wars, anger, fear, suffering, and abuse only make people worse. She is a mother of two, and a grandma, and suffered with addictions, abuse, depressions, anxieties, phobias, PTSD, low esteem and chronic pain and had many physical ailments. Her Healing and Recovery CDs come from 30 years of studying various Healing Arts and  her own personal healing experiences with these diseases=DIS-EASES. All human beings get diseases from lack of harmony with mind, body and soul connections.      Whatever we focus on grows. Without knowing how to use your inner soul connections to the higher consciousness we stay focused on our limited, fearful, reactive, ‘computer like’ (ego) minds. We can only think of ideas from what we have seen or been taught. We were taught that all answers were outside ourselves, not within us. Most people were not taught how to talk about intuition, feelings, soul purpose, inner light, love, joy, compassion, healing kindness, creative imagination, dream interpretations, inner visualization work, and the power of intention. Find self-love to attract true love. Find your soul purpose and follow it to find your healthy lifestyle, activities,  and soul mates. We all need love and support from our “real friends” with similar soul paths.   Whatever we focus on grows. Without knowing how to use your inner soul connections to the higher consciousness we stay focused on our limited, fearful, reactive, ‘computer like’ (ego) minds. We can only think of ideas from what we have seen or been taught. We were taught that all answers were outside ourselves, not within us. Most people were not taught how to talk about intuition, feelings, soul purpose, inner light, love, joy, compassion, healing kindness, creative imagination, dream interpretations, inner visualization work, and the power of intention. Find self-love to attract true love. Find your soul purpose and follow it to find your healthy lifestyle, activities,  and soul mates. We all need love and support from our “real friends” with similar soul paths.

1 Ebooks by Lynn Mystic-Healer

Lynn Mystic-Healer: Angels Know All
Angels are Holy Spirits (light beings or celestial beings) and are part of ones eternal soul energy. Soul energy is the connection between our minds, bodies and the universe. All humans have an etern …