Presents a diverse perspective of successful, inspirational and progressive women in science and engineering
Women of today from 29 countries provide overviews of their successful careers, the challenges they faced, and offer advice. They have lived in the same era, and perhaps also the same environment as you.
Successful Women Ceramic and Glass Scientists and Engineers: 100 Inspirational Profiles features women born in the 1920’s to 1970’s. Reflecting a diversity of backgrounds and different sectors of the workforce, their profiles include:
̶- Affiliation, points of contact, accomplishments (most-cited publication, most prestigious recognitions/awards, etc.), personal insight on her best career moment
̶ Brief biography, highlights of her successes, images from her career
̶ Personal commentary on her own career and pointers for younger scientists building careers
This book provides novelty, inspiration, motivation and a bright perspective for the next generation of scientists and engineers seeking exciting and fulfilling careers. This book will be invaluable to mentors/professors, students and prospective students in science and engineering, scholars of gender studies, and scientific and engineering societies and organizations.
“Lynnette Madsen has done a great service in writing this book, not just for women, but for society at large, because in the twenty-first century, we can no longer underutilize or ignore that half of the best.’
̶ Rita Colwell, Director, United States National Science Foundation 1998-2004, Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland, College Park, and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
‘The book shows that opportunities in science exist in many countries around the world. Reading about the ways that took those women to their current positions is an exciting adventure.’
̶ Yury Gogotsi, Professor, Drexel University
‘In addition to chronicling careers of great scientists, this book presents an array of career paths to young women and men — a must read.’
̶ Dr. Rainer Waser, Professor, Aachen University, Germany
“It is inspiring to see that the successful women highlighted in this work are approaching life with courage and joy; they are changing paradigms and serving as voices for young girls. They are passionate about making a difference and breaking barriers; they are classy and fabulous.’
̶ Dr. Olivia Graeve, Professor, University of California, San Diego
Table of Content
Foreword by Dean Cristina Amon xiii
Preface xv
About the Author xvii
Quick Guide to Select Groups xix
Government and Nonprofit Organizations xix
Industry/Business xix
Australia, Russia, and Asia xx
Europe xx
The Americas (excluding the USA) xxi
Women of Color in the USA xxi
Women in Academe in the USA xxii
Introduction xxv
Why This book? xxv
For Whom? xxv
The Writing Journey xxvi
Words of Praise for the Book xxxi
The Women
Profile 1 Alida Bellosi 1
Profile 2 Serena M. Best 9
Profile 3 Viola I. Birss 13
Profile 4 Dawn A. Bonnell 19
Profile 5 Inna Petrovna Borovinskaya 25
Profile 6 Emily A. Carter 29
Profile 7 Rachel A. Caruso 37
Profile 8 Kathleen A. Cerqua-Richardson 41
Profile 9 Helen Lai Wa Chan 49
Profile 10 Helen M. Chan 55
Profile 11 Dominique Chatain 61
Profile 12 Jen-Sue Chen 65
Profile 13 Li-Chyong Chen 71
Profile 14 Zhili Chen 79
Profile 15 Uma Chowdhry 85
Profile 16 Deborah Duen Ling Chung 91
Profile 17 Melanie Will Cole 97
Profile 18 Elizabeth C. Dickey 107
Profile 19 Ulrike Diebold 111
Profile 20 Mildred S. Dresselhaus 117
Profile 21 Natalia Dubrovinskaia 127
Profile 22 Bonnie Jeanne Dunbar 133
Profile 23 Alicia Durán 139
Profile 24 Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem 145
Profile 25 Lina M. Echeverría 151
Profile 26 Doreen D. Edwards 157
Profile 27 Mari-Ann Einarsrud 163
Profile 28 Katherine T. Faber 169
Profile 29 Monica Ferraris 175
Profile 30 Catherine (Cathy) Patricia Foley 181
Profile 31 Liesl Folks 185
Profile 32 Katharine G. Frase 189
Profile 33 María Verónica Ganduglia-Pirovano 193
Profile 34 Elsa M. Garmire 201
Profile 35 Rosario A. Gerhardt 207
Profile 36 Dagmar Gerthsen 215
Profile 37 Dana G. Goski 219
Profile 38 Laura H. Greene 225
Profile 39 Clare P. Grey 231
Profile 40 Sossina M. Haile 237
Profile 41 Kersti Hermansson 241
Profile 42 Huey Hoon Hng 247
Profile 43 Susan N. Houde-Walter 251
Profile 44 Ellen Ivers-Tiffée 257
Profile 45 Carol M. Jantzen 261
Profile 46 Sylvia Marian Johnson 271
Profile 47 Linda E. Jones 277
Profile 48 Gretchen Kalonji 283
Profile 49 Maarit Johanna Karppinen 293
Profile 50 Kazumi Kato 299
Profile 51 Ruth H.G.A. Kiminami 303
Profile 52 Mareike Klee 307
Profile 53 Lisa C. Klein 315
Profile 54 Marija “Maricǩa” Kosec 321
Profile 55 Waltraud (Trudy) M. Kriven 329
Profile 56 Michiko Kusunoki 335
Profile 57 Jueinai Raynien Kwo 339
Profile 58 Anne L. Leriche 345
Profile 59 Claude Lévy-Clément 351
Profile 60 Jennifer A. Lewis 359
Profile 61 Hua Kun Liu 365
Profile 62 Kathryn V. “Kaycee” Logan 371
Profile 63 Gabrielle Gibbs Long 379
Profile 64 Judith L. Mac Manus-Driscoll 385
Profile 65 Lynnette D. Madsen 389
Profile 66 Merrilea J. Mayo 397
Profile 67 Janina Molenda 403
Profile 68 Eliana Navarro dos Santos Muccillo 407
Profile 69 Alexandra Navrotsky 411
Profile 70 Linda F. Nazar 417
Profile 71 Tina M. Nenoff 425
Profile 72 Beatriz Noheda 431
Profile 73 Soon Ja Park 437
Profile 74 Marina R. Pascucci 441
Profile 75 Julia M. Phillips 449
Profile 76 Tatiana Alexeevna Prikhna 455
Profile 77 Karin M. Rabe 459
Profile 78 Nelly M. Rodriguez 463
Profile 79 Debra R. Rolison 467
Profile 80 Caroline Anne Ross 473
Profile 81 Della Martin Roy 477
Profile 82 Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta 481
Profile 83 Lourdes G. Salamanca-Riba 487
Profile 84 Maxine Lazarus Savitz 491
Profile 85 Nava Setter 497
Profile 86 Susan B. Sinnott 501
Profile 87 Nicola A. Spaldin 507
Profile 88 Susanne Stemmer 513
Profile 89 Wei-Ying Sun 517
Profile 90 Inna G. Talmy 519
Profile 91 Susan Trolier-Mc Kinstry 525
Profile 92 María Vallet-Regí 533
Profile 93 Paula Maria (Lousada Silveirinha) Vilarinho 539
Profile 94 Eva Milar Vogel 549
Profile 95 (Betty) Noemi Elisabeth Walsöe de Reca 555
Profile 96 Ellen D. Williams 565
Profile 97 Wanda Wieslawa Wolny 571
Profile 98 Jackie Y. Ying 575
Profile 99 Maria Magdalena Zaharescu 583
Profile 100 Jing Zhu 589
Afterword by Dr. Shirley M. Malcom 597
Acknowledgments 601
Conclusion 603
About the author
Lynnette D. Madsen with a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering and nearly 15 years of experience working at the National Science Foundation as the Program Director for Ceramics was the perfect author for this unique volume.