This volume ‘Agrochemicals in Soil and Environment: Impacts and Remediation’ is a comprehensive collection of important literature on agrochemical contamination. The main focus of this book is to point out undesirable changes in biological, physical and chemical characteristics of agricultural soils and its impacts on global agricultural crop productivity. Soil is one of the important resources of basic needs for our sustenance but due to various anthropogenic activities like urbanization and industrialization, the soil is losing its basic quality characteristics. Soil microorganisms, water holding capacity, minerals, salts and nutrients are under the direct threat due to agrochemicals therefore, agricultural sector is facing a serious challenge. Lack of proper knowledge and luxurious applications of agrochemicals resulting into degradation and deterioration of soil quality, loss of soil and crop productivity and threatening the food security. Therefore, it is imperative to developindices, indicators and soil parameters for the monitoring and impact assessment of agricultural contaminants. Further, biotic and abiotic stresses and their tolerance mechanisms in plants in relation to the soil contaminants such as toxic pollutants, heavy metals, inorganic and organic matters, variety of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, agricultural runoffs and solid wastes, and chemical fertilizers are also highlighted in this volume. This book also discusses causes of reduced agriculture productivity and suggests sustainable measures such as plant-based technologies, bioremediation and nanotechnology, that can be used to overcome the crop losses. The book is interest to research students, teachers, agricultural scientists, agronomists, environmentalists as well as policy makers.
Table of Content
Chapter 1. Agrochemicals in Soil and Environment: An Overview.- Chapter 2. Agrochemicals- Provenance, Environmental Fate and Remediation Measures.- Chapter 3. Impact of Agrochemicals on Soil Microbiota.- Chapter 4. Agriculture Pollution in Kerala, India with Special Reference to Endosulphan.- Chapter 5. An Intergenerational Community-Based Approach to Safe Farming and Environmental Health.- Chapter 6. Guidance on Pesticides Handling in Farming.- Chapter 7. Impact of Pesticides, Herbicides and Insecticides on the Ecosystem.- Chapter 8. Pesticides and its Effects on Plants: A Case Study of Deltamethrin.- Chapter 9. The Use of Glyphosate in Regions of Argentina and Colombia and its Socio-environmental Impacts.- Chapter 10. Impact of Insecticides on Soil and Environment and their Management Strategies.- Chapter 11. Role of Insect Pest Management in Agriculture Conservation.- Chapter 12. Mobility of Trace Elements in Agricultural Soils- Chapter 13. The effects of nutrient enrichment on nutrient-poor ecosystems: Insights from the study of serpentine soil plant relations.- Chapter 14. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation – A Source of Contamination and Impact on Agriculture Productivity.- Chapter 15. Plastics in the Soil Environment: An Overview.- Chapter 16. Lead and cadmium contamination in the soil environment: Impacts on plant growth and human health.- Chapter 17. Heavy metals contamination on farmlands in the crude oil exploration area.- Chapter 18. Effect of Trace Elements in Soils and Its Management.- Chapter 19. Remediation of Agrochemicals in Soil and Environment.- Chapter 20. Alleviation in the Toxicity of Heavy Metals on Agricultural Crops by Metal Resistant Bacteria.- Chapter 21. Bioremediation Strategies to Mitigate the Impact of Atrazine in the Environment: Recent Advances and Prospects. Chapter 22. Aspergillus Mediated Bioremediation of Agrochemicals- Current Progress and Future Perspectives.- Chapter 23. Implications of Phytohormones as Agro-chemicals under Dynamic Environmental Conditions.- Chapter 24. Role of Genetically Modified Bacteria for Alleviating of Agrochemical Impact on the Environment.- Chapter 25. ‘Omics Perspective’ – Molecular Blue-print for Agrochemical Remediation.- Chapter 26. Impact and Remediation of Agrochemicals in Soil and Environment: Conclusions and Future Perspectives.
About the author
Dr. M. Naeem is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany at Aligarh Muslim University, India. His research focuses on escalating the production of commercially important medicinal and aromatic plants and their active principles using a novel and safe technique involving depolymerized polysaccharides as well as the application of potent PGRs. His research also focuses on abiotic stress tolerance in medicinal plants. He has published around 100 research papers in reputable International journals. Also, he has authored ten books and co-authored several book chapters published by international publishers. Based on his research contributions, he has received multiple awards and recognitions.
Dr. Juan Francisco Jimenez Bremont is a Senior Researcher in the Department of Molecular Biology at the Institute for Scientific and Technological Research of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. His research interests focus on studies of molecular mechanisms of the plant abiotic stress response, and plant-fungal interactions. He has published more than 70 research papers in the journals of international repute. He has served as Editorial Board Member-Journal of Plant Science, Frontier in Plant Science and Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. Based on his research contributions, he has received national awards.
Dr. Abid A. Ansari is working as Associate Professor at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia since December, 2010. His research areas include Plant Ecology and Environment; Eutrophication, Phytoremediation and Plant Biodiversity. He has 16 years of research and teaching experience. He has to his credit 56 research articles, 15 edited books, and 26 book chapters with the publishers of national and international repute. He has carried out 8 Research Projects funded by Deanship of Scientific Research, University of Tabuk as Principal and Co-Investigator. He has been awarded with Research Excellence-2013 and 2015 and Distinguished Faculty-2020.
Dr. Sarvajeet Singh Gill is presently working as Assistant Professor at Centre for Biotechnology, Maharshi Dayanand University. He has approx. 50 book chapters, published over 100 peer reviewed publications in the journals of international repute & edited 30 books on the subject published by International publishers. He has carried out 04 R&D projects funded by prominent National funding agencies. He has 15864 google scholar citations, h-index 42 & i10 index 94, whereas, on Scopus, he has 9747 citations, h-index 32. He was awarded with NESA Junior Scientist of the Year Award-2008; DST-SERB Fast Track Young Scientist award in 2012; prestigious ‘India Research Excellence & Citation Award-2017’, appeared in 2% global scientists list (2020, 2021); Teaching and Committed Research award, 2021.