The subtitle of Maggie Ross’s new book captures its essence, for it is about silence and our need to behold God. Beholding is a notion that we are in danger of losing. It is often lost in translation, even by the NRSV and the Jerusalem Bible. Beholding needs to be recovered both in theology and practice.
Ross is very aware of ‘poor talkative Christianity.’ There is a twofold plea to enter into silence–for lack of silence erodes our humanity–and to behold the radiance of God. This is a book full of deep questioning and the testing of our assumptions. Throughout there is a great love for the world and for our humanity, accompanied by sadness that we are so easily distracted . . .
We are invited into a silence that is not necessarily an absence of noise, but is a limitless interior space. Ancient texts are used in new and exciting ways, and many of our worship practices are challenged. She is in no doubt that ‘the glory of the human being is the beholding of God.’
–adapted from a review in The Church Times (London) by Canon David Adam.
About the author
Maggie Ross is the pseudonym of a professed Anglican solitaray responsible to Archbishop Emeritus Rowan Williams. After many years in Alaska, she is now based full time in Oxford, England. Among her other books are The Fire of Your Life and Pillars of Flame. She blogs at