This book discusses the contemporary medico-social, psychological, legal, and therapeutic concerns related to people affected by dementia as a patient or as a caregiver. It provides global emerging responses to dementia. It highlights different dimensions of dementia in terms of issues, concerns, policies, and strategies all around the globe. The contributing authors present issues from cross-cultural education visible in dementia studies and discuss the power of music, art therapy, artistic collaborations, and many innovative practices in dealing with dementia. Written by international specialists from various disciplines, the chapters include challenges and emerging issues related to the role of family caregivers, the concern with vulnerability to elder abuse and neglect, and the role of technology in dementia care. The book provides a diverse perspective to dementia care not covered in such a broad way by any other books on the topic. This book is intended for academics from a wide range of fields such as sociology, geriatrics, community medicine, public health, clinical psychology, social work all of which, collectively, bear on the problem and the solutions for better dementia care.
Table of Content
Chapter 1. Perspectives on Dementia Concerns and Responses.- Chapter 2. Delivering multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural education in dementia studies.- Chapter 3. The power of music in the lives of people living with dementia.- Chapter 4. Mc Donalization of Long Term Care in America.- Chapter 5. Suicide in People With Dementia.- Chapter 6. Supporting Home-based Dementia Care.- Chapter 7. Psychological Health of Dementia Caregivers: An Overview.- Chapter 8. Transnational Care for Dementia.- Chapter 9. Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: A Risk Factor to Elder Abuse & Neglect.- Chapter 10. Dementia in under 65s – An Overview.
About the author
Mala Kapur Shankardass is a sociologist, gerontologist, health, and development social scientist. She is a teacher, writer, researcher, consultant, and an activist. She has been involved with aging studies since 1992 when she started post-doctoral work on aging issues. She has done prestigious assignments with United Nations agencies and international as well as national institutions. She has participated in panel discussions, delivered key note addresses, and chaired sessions on aging concerns with reputed organizations both in India and abroad. She has been recognized for her work and contributions in gerontology across the world.