Author: Manoj Kaushal

Djana Mignouna is an Agricultural Economist in charge of M&E of YIIFSWA Project for IITA. Djana supports market development for various crops and led research on technology adoption, consumer acceptance and impact assessment. He has led the development and implementation of over 10 household and sector level surveys in Africa. He has 11+ years of experience working in international development, private sector and economics research.

2 Ebooks by Manoj Kaushal

Peter Neuenschwander & Manuele Tamò: Critical issues in plant health: 50 years of research in African agriculture
  • Focuses on plant health issues in sub-Saharan Africa which are key to improving yields
  • Reviews ways of improving the health of key African crops such as cassava, maize and grain le …
Manoj Kaushal & Ram Prasad: Microbial Biotechnology in Crop Protection
This edited volume is a comprehensive account of plant diseases and insect pests, plant protection and management for various crops using microbial and biotechnological approaches. The book elucidate …