Ednan Aslan is Chair of Islamic Theological Studies at the University of Vienna where he is Professor of Islamic Education.
Margaret Rausch is an independent scholar, researcher and university instructor in Religious and Islamic Studies.
5 Ebooks by Margaret Rausch
Ednan Aslan & Margaret Rausch: Religious Education
The authors of this volume examine theory and practice regarding past and present roles of Jewish, Christian and Islamic religious education in nurturing tolerance, interpreted as mutual respect for …
Ednan Aslan & Margaret Rausch: Jewish-Muslim Relations
This multidisciplinary volume unites research on diverse aspects of Jewish-Muslim relations, exchanges and coexistence across time including the Abrahamic tradition enigma, Jews in the Qur’an and Had …
Margaret Rausch: Bodies, Boundaries and Spirit Possession
The social structures of Moroccan society have been changing in accordance with western models at an ever-growing rate. The role of Islam in sharing the burden of these changes and in narrowing the e …
Ednan Aslan: Handbuch Islamische Religionspädagogik
Das vorliegende Handbuch ist eine Kompilation von Beiträgen überwiegend muslimischer Religionspädagog*innen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, die aktiv am Aufbau der islamischen Religionspädagogik an d …
Ednan Aslan & Margaret Rausch: Jüdisch-Muslimische Beziehungen im Wandel der Zeit
Dieser multidisziplinäre Band vereint Forschungsarbeiten zu verschiedenen Aspekten der jüdisch-muslimischen Beziehungen, des Austauschs und der Koexistenz im Laufe der Zeit, darunter das Rätsel der a …