Margherita Giacobino, born in 1952, lives in Turin. She is a writer, journalist and translator . She translated – among others – Emily Bronte, Gustave Flaubert, Margaret Atwood, Dorothy Allison, Audre Lorde.
She made her debut in 1993 with the novel Un” Americana a Parigi written under the pseudonym of Elinor Rigby. !n 1996 she published Casalinghe All”Inferno, in 2007 L”Educazione Sentimentale Di C.B. and in 2010 L”Uovo Fuori Dal Cavagno.
The Portrait of a Family with a Fat Daughter published in Italy in 2015 has already been translated into French and German. It is the first novel by Margherita Giacobino to be translated into English.
4 Ebooks by Margherita Giacobino
Margherita Giacobino: Portrait of a Family with a Fat Daughter
‘It has been a long while in Italian fiction since such an authentic and engaging voice has appeared.’ Bruno Quaranta in La Stampa. Portrait of a Family with a Fat Daughter tells the story of four ge …
Nicoletta Buonapace & Rita Gatto: Over60 – Women
Per secoli la vecchiaia ha significato per le donne l’invisibilità, la perdita dell’unico dubbio potere che veniva loro accordato, quello della bellezza, definita sempre ovviamente …
Margherita Giacobino: The Price of Dreams
Margherita Giacobino’s book is a fictionalised biography/autobiography of Patricia Highsmith. A lesbian in an era when to be homosexual was to be reviled and discriminated against, and made to feel g …
Margherita Giacobino: The Ridiculous Age
While the radio announcer reports new conflicts and atrocities every day and beggars line the pavements outside her comfortable apartment, the old woman struggles to maintain her grip on life. It is …