From zar-baft to qalamkar
Persian textiles from the late 19th to the early 20th century display a multitude of techniques as well as many different kinds of illustrations. Besides, they are used in a number of different ways. As the subtitle indicates, they range from precious brocades (Zar-baft) to printed cloths (Qalamkar), from opulent oriental floral patterns to narrative depictions, from hangings, covers and garments to ones that are used for very special purposes – for example, cloths on which ceremonial meals are served and ones employed as chair and saddle covers, or animal trappings. In this richly illustrated publication, Marie-Louise Nabholz-Kartaschoff presents examples from a highly diversified private collection.
About the author
Geboren 1939, Dr. phil., studierte Ethnologie an der Universität Basel. Leitete von 1968 bis 2003 die Abteilung Asiatische Textilien am Museum der Kulturen Basel, betreute dessen bedeutende Sammlungsbestände, organisierte Ausstellungen, führte Feldforschungen in Mallorca, Südchina, Thailand, Indien und Indonesien durch und verfasste viele Publikationen zu verschiedenen Textilthemen. Heute arbeitet sie als externe Ausstellungskuratorin, Referentin und Expertin für asiatische Textilien.