The Dancing Cat and Mouse tells the inspiring story of a cat, a mouse, and an old man who plays the violin. At first, the cat dances alone and the mouse watches from the safety of the sidelines. The music is so lively and toe-tapping that the mouse just can’t contain himself, so he starts to dance, too. When the cat finally notices the mouse, he invites him to ‘sing and dance along.’ An unlikely friendship develops between the cat and the mouse, and they’re brought together by their love of dancing, singing, and the old man’s music. Illustrations in this picture book emphasize the live-action of the characters’ singing and dancing, both separately and together. As the cat and the mouse come to realize their commonalities and grow to enjoy each other’s company, each page is linked to the other by a continuous thread of music notes running across the top of the illustrations. This book celebrates differences and the idea of embracing those differences to find common ground and joy through sharing activities like singing, dancing, and appreciating music together. As the last line in The Dancing Cat and Mouse states, ‘The old man smiled as the cat and mouse sang and danced to their favorite songs. The music is the magic in your heart that make you believe that you belong.’
About the author
Leslie Stewart is in her twenty-fifth year of elementary education, sixteen of which have been in elementary art. Leslie loves to paint, garden, and laugh.