Author: Marilyn Marinelli

Marilyn Marinelli is an “Ordained Minister” of the gospel of Jesus Christ, associated with Faith Christian Fellowship Int”l, a worldwide full gospel fellowship. She is also Co-Author of “Together Forever” a marital enrichment home seminar.She ministered for the Fellowship of Christian Poets for over 10 years through a monthly blog called “Ministry for the Poets Soul”. She has ministered in song at various churches. She is also the Founder and President of Have A Heart for Companion Animals, Inc. a ministry dedicated to the protection of companion animals. She has also played an important part in sharing information and statistics with the local county commissions to change the law regarding the chaining of dogs in her local county. No longer do dogs have to suffer that abuse. She is the author of two published Christian books; titled “A Dry And Thirsty Land” and “Believing God” which are books that minister to women. Both share true victories in her walk with the Lord. They are currently being offered through “My Collie Girls And Me” is her third book in print.

4 Ebooks by Marilyn Marinelli

Marilyn Marinelli: Believing God
Believing GOD   ‘Believing GOD’ is the true story of Marilyn Marinelli. It is a record of her walk of faith during a time of suffering and pain. It was also a time of cleansing, renewal and rede …
Marilyn Marinelli: A Dry And Thirsty Land
A Dry And Thirsty Land is a collection of Biblical teachings on “How To Make It Through Tough Times.” They are true-life experiences in the quest of the author for God’s direction and deliverance.&#x …
Marilyn Marinelli: My Collies Girls & Me


‘My Collie Girls And Me’ is an ongoing saga that reflects the faith and love of the author for the collie fur babies entrusted to her by …

John Marinelli: Daniel And the Lion’s Den
Daniel and the Lion’s den is a true story from the Bible (Daniel 6) that teaches the importance of holding fast to our convictions and standing firm in our beliefs, no matter what is happening around …