This volume consists of the 42 papers presented at the International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR2001), whichwasheldat INRIA(Institut Nationalde Rechercheen Informatique et en Automatique) in Sophia Antipolis, France, from September 3 through September 5, 2001. This workshop is the third of a series, which was started with EMMCVPR’97, held in Venice in May 1997, and continued with EMMCVR’99, which took place in York, i...
This volume consists of the 42 papers presented at the International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR2001), whichwasheldat INRIA(Institut Nationalde Rechercheen Informatique et en Automatique) in Sophia Antipolis, France, from September 3 through September 5, 2001. This workshop is the third of a series, which was started with EMMCVPR’97, held in Venice in May 1997, and continued with EMMCVR’99, which took place in York, in July 1999. Minimization problems and optimization methods permeate computer vision (CV), pattern recognition (PR), and many other ?elds of machine intelligence. The aim of the EMMCVPR workshops is to bring together people with research interests in this interdisciplinary topic. Although the subject is traditionally well represented at major international conferences on CV and PR, the EMMCVPR workshops provide a forum where researchers can report their recent work and engage in more informal discussions. We received 70 submissions from 23 countries, which were reviewed by the members of the program committee. Based on the reviews, 24 papers were – cepted for oral presentation and 18 for poster presentation. In this volume, no distinction is made between papers that were presented orally or as posters. The book is organized into ?ve sections, whose topics coincide with the ?ve s- sionsoftheworkshop:"Probabilistic Modelsand Estimation", "Image Modelling and Synthesis", "Clustering, Grouping, and Segmentation", "Optimization and Graphs", and "Shapes, Curves, Surfaces, and Templates".