Designed around a practical ‘practice-what-you-teach’ approach to methods instruction, Your Science Classroom: Becoming an Elementary / Middle School Science Teacher is based on current constructivist philosophy, organized around 5E inquiry, and guided by the National Science Education Teaching Standards. Written in a reader-friendly style, the book prepares instructors to teach science in ways that foster positive attitudes, engagement, and meaningful science learning for themselves and their students.
Table of Content
NSES Teaching Standards
Part I The Nature of Science
1. I Know What Science Is! It′s an Experiment
2. Are you Scientifically Literate? Why We Teach Science
Part II The Nature of the Learner
3. Children′s Construction of Science
4. Children′s Alternative Frameworks and Conceptual Change
Part III The Nature of Science Teaching
5. Classroom Teaching Practices: Questioning and Inquiry
6. Inquiry Teaching Approaches and Science Process Skills
7. Inquiry Lesson Planning: 5E Instruction Model
8. Assessment or Evaluation: A Guide for Science Instruction
Part IV The Nature of Diversity in Science Teaching and Learning
9. Learning Styles and Diverse Learners
10. Addressing Student Diversity: Science for All
11. Interdisciplinary Connections: Science Across the Curriculum
Appendix A How Do I Write an Instructional Objective?
Appendix B Safety in Your Science Classroom
Appendix C Science Inquiry Learning Centers
About the author
Laura Downey is Executive Director of the Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education, a statewide non-profit association. She is a former middle school math and science teacher as well as a former first grade teacher. While earning her Ph D Curriculum and Instruction for Math, Science, and Technology at Kansas State University, Downey taught sections of the elementary science methods courses. Her ongoing involvement in the formal science education community include responsibilities as a board member and membership chair for the Council for Elementary Science International and frequent presentations for the National Science Teacher′s Association′s conference.