This is the first major volume dedicated to the processes by which people exaggerate their virtues, deemphasize their shortcomings, or protect themselves against threatening feedback. Leading investigators present cutting-edge work on the key role of self-enhancing and self-protective motives in social perception, cognition, judgment, and behavior. Compelling topics include the psychological benefits and risks of self-enhancement and self-protection; personality traits and contextual factors that make certain individuals more likely to hold distorted views of the self; innovative approaches to assessment and measurement; and implications for relationships, achievement, and mental health.
Table of Content
Introduction. Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection: Historical Overview and Conceptual Framework, Mark D. Alicke and Constantine Sedikides I. Neurocognitive Bases of Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection1. Neural Bases of Approach and Avoidance, Eddie Harmon-Jones2. Self-Enhancement: A Social Neuroscience Perspective, Jennifer S. Beer and Brent L. Hughes II. Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection in Self-Construal3. Self-Enhancement via Redefinition: Defining Social Concepts to Ensure Positive Views of the Self, Clayton R. Critcher, Erik G. Helzer, and David Dunning 4. Moral Hypocrisy: A Self-Enhancement/Self-Protection Motive in the Moral Domain, C. Daniel Batson and Elizabeth C. Collins5. The Role of Time in Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection, Anne E. Wilson and Michael Ross 6. Reconciling Self-Protection with Self-Improvement: Self-Affirmation Theory, David K. Sherman and Kimberly A. Hartson III. Perceptual, Judgmental, and Memory Processes in Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection7. Of Visions and Desires: Biased Perceptions of the Environment Can Serve Self-Protective Functions, Shana Cole and Emily Balcetis8. Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection in Social Judgment, Mark D. Alicke and Corey L. Guenther9. Postdecisional Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection: The Role of the Self in Cognitive Dissonance Processes, Jeff Stone and Elizabeth Focella10. The Positivity Bias and the Fading Affect Bias in Autobiographical Memory: A Self-Motives Perspective, John J. Skowronski IV. Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection in Interpersonal, Relational, and Group Contexts11. The Social Consequences of Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection, Vera Hoorens12. Seeking Pleasure and Avoiding Pain in Interpersonal Relationships, Joanne V. Wood and Amanda L. Forest13. An Attachment Perspective on Self-Protection and Self-Enhancement, Phillip R. Shaver and Mario Mikulincer14. To Enhance or Protect the Self?: The Complex Role of Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem, Tracy De Hart, Julie Longua, and Jennifer Smith15. Attributions to Discrimination as a Self-Protective Strategy: Evaluating the Evidence, Brenda Major and Dina Eliezer V. Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection in Developmental, Clinical, Health, Personality, and Cultural Contexts16. Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection in a Developmental Context, Kali H. Trzesniewski, Megan Peggy-Anne Kinal, and M. Brent Donnellan 17. The Breakdown of Self-Enhancing and Self-Protecting Cognitive Biases in Depression, Lauren B. Alloy, Clara A. Wagner, Shimrit K. Black, Rachel K. Gerstein, and Lyn Y. Abramson18. When Self-Enhancement Drives Health Decisions: Insights from a Terror Management Health Model, Jamie Arndt and Jamie L. Goldenberg19. Narcissistic Self-Enhancement: Tales of (Successful?) Self-Portrayal, Carolyn C. Morf, Stephan Horvath, and Loredana Torchetti20. Cultural Perspectives on Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection, Chi-yue Chiu, Ching Wan, Shirley Y.Y. Cheng, Young-hoon Kim, and Yung-jui Yang VI. Boundary Conditions and Methodological Issues in Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection21. Academic Exaggeration: Pushing Self-Enhancement Boundaries, Richard H. Gramzow22. Measurement of Self-Enhancement (and Self-Protection), Joachim I. Krueger and Jack C. Wright
About the author
Mark D. Alicke, Ph D, is Professor of Psychology at Ohio University. His main research interests are the psychology of the self—including the role of the self in social judgment, social comparison, and self-enhancement biases—and the psychology of blame and moral judgment. Dr. Alicke has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, as an Associate Editor of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and is currently Editor of Self and Identity. Constantine Sedikides, Ph D, is Professor and Director of the Centre for Research on Self and Identity at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. His research focuses on self and identity and their interplay with emotion and motivation, close relationships, and group processes.