The African Safari Journal & Field Guide is the perfect book to take on safari because it is a wildlife guide, trip organizer, phrase book, safari diary, map directory and wildlife checklist, all in one! And because many safariers have strict baggage limits, this 7-BOOKS-IN-ONE journal becomes even more valuable because it features all the information a traveler to Africa is going to need. It puts key safari information at the reader’s fingertips and allows them to record unforgettable memories of their African adventure.The African Safari Journal & Field guide includes the following valuable features that help to make the reader an instant authority while on safari:* Over 500 COLOR illustrations and detailed descriptions of mammals, reptiles, birds, insects and trees for easy identification.* Illustrations of Africa’s vegitation zones* The most comprehensive checklists of mammals and birds for recording sightings in reserves* Over 60 COLOR maps that detail regions, countries and major wildlife reserves* Swahili, Tswana, Shona, Zulu and French words, phrases and mammal names (with phonetics)* Constellation maps of the Southern Hemisphere – and a stargazers guide* Safari tips* Photography on safari* Glossary of safari terms* Packing checklist* Contact information for US and Canadian Embassies and British High Commissons in Africa* World Heritage sites* Resource directory*Suggested reading list* 30 journal pages to record their personal safari experiences The African Safari Journal & Field Guide can be personalized with the following:* Journal author information* Medical information* Packing checklist and luggage inventory* Travel and health insurance* Journal log and daily entries* Mammal and bird check lists* Sections to record flight and safari itineraries
About the author
Mark W. Nolting: Duncan Butchart: