Author: Mark W. Roche

Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. (1917–2015) was president of the University of Notre Dame from 1952 to 1987. As an adviser to presidents, special envoy to popes, theologian, author, educator, and activist, Father Hesburgh was for decades considered the most influential priest in America. He is the author and editor of a number of books, including The Challenge and Promise of a Catholic University (University of Notre Dame Press, 1994).

3 Ebooks by Mark W. Roche

Mark William Roche: The Intellectual Appeal of Catholicism and the Idea of a Catholic University
Mark W. Roche presents a clear, precise, and positive view of the challenge and promise of a Catholic university. Roche makes visible the ideal of a Catholic university and illuminates in original wa …
Paul Michael Lützeler & Peter Höyng: Transatlantic German Studies
The prominent scholar-contributors to this volume share their experiences developing the field of US German Studies and their thoughts on literature and interdisciplinarity, pluralism and diversity, …
Patricia Anne Simpson & Birgit Tautz: Goethe Yearbook 29
Volume 29 features articles on Anton Reiser; the legacies of German romanticism; Goethe’s morphology and computational analysis; Goethe commemorations in Argentina; and Goethe’s Weltliteratur in the …