Author: Marko Lehti

Marko Lehti is University Researcher (Senior Research Fellow) at Tampere Peace Research Institute and the Academic Director of the MA Programme Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research, both at the University of Tampere, Finland. Dr. Lehti’s research in the field of peace and conflict research particularly focuses on peace mediation and dialogues, crises of liberal peace, transformation of identities and the idea of Nordic peace.

10 Ebooks by Marko Lehti

Marko Lehti & Henna-Riikka Pennanen: Contestations of Liberal Order
This volume explores the Western-led liberal order that is claimed to be in crisis. Currently, the West appears less as a modernizing or civilizing entity leading the way and more as being engulfed i …
Marko Lehti: The Era of Private Peacemakers
The field of peacemaking is in turbulent change. There are more peacemaking actors than before but fewer success stories, and an increasing number of violent conflicts tend to resist negotiated agree …
Marko Lehti & David J Smith: Post-Cold War Identity Politics
During the past decade northern Europe has started to assume an identity of its own. Categories of East and West have become blurred, challenging as well the idea of what it means to be Nordic. Post- …
Christopher Browning & Marko Lehti: Struggle for the West
This book problematises the idea of and debates about a ‘divided West’ that have emerged since 9/11 and the controversy over the Iraq War. …
Christopher Browning & Marko (Tampere University, Finland) Lehti: The Struggle for the West
In recent years debates about the nature and future of the West have been high on the political agenda. Prognoses of the West’s imminent demise have been countered by those arguing for its continued …
Christopher Browning & Marko (Tampere University, Finland) Lehti: The Struggle for the West
In recent years debates about the nature and future of the West have been high on the political agenda. Prognoses of the West’s imminent demise have been countered by those arguing for its continued …
Marko (University of Turku, Finland) Lehti & David J (University of Glasgow, UK) Smith: Post-Cold War Identity Politics
During the past decade northern Europe has started to assume an identity of its own. Categories of East and West have become blurred, challenging as well the idea of what it means to be Nordic. Post- …
Marko (University of Turku, Finland) Lehti & David J (University of Glasgow, UK) Smith: Post-Cold War Identity Politics
During the past decade northern Europe has started to assume an identity of its own. Categories of East and West have become blurred, challenging as well the idea of what it means to be Nordic. Post- …
Jorg Hackmann & Marko Lehti: Contested and Shared Places of Memory
The Baltic-Russian debates on the past have become a hot spot of European memory politics. Violent protests and international tensions accompanying the removal of the "Bronze Soldier" monum …
Jorg Hackmann & Marko Lehti: Contested and Shared Places of Memory
The Baltic-Russian debates on the past have become a hot spot of European memory politics. Violent protests and international tensions accompanying the removal of the "Bronze Soldier" monum …