Create a healthier, happier you as you advance in years. It’s Victorious Aging!
Dr. Martha provides 52 health and happiness actions that you can realistically incorporate into your life. Each tip is designed to create a healthier you as you advance in years. No one is too young to start. And you only have to accomplish one tip a week.
Here’s what one reader says:
‘I have this book on my e Reader so that I can read a weekly tip and strive to reach that mindset or goal. And I often refer to the tip throughout the week. It’s a great little bible of useful information for me.’
You Can Start This on Any Day or Week in the Year. There are no dates in this book. Most of us don’t need another complicated thing to do each day, let alone try to remember to read every day. Once a week is perfect! You choose. Set an alarm or reminder to start the week, read a tip midweek, or end your week on a high note with a weekly tip.
Dr. Martha Lucas loves working with patients in her office, online, and through her books. Buy Dr. Martha’s 52 Weeks of Victorious Aging: Tips to Ensure a Happy and Healthy Year at Any Age and she’ll help you start improving your quality of life NOW!
About the author
Wendy Spurlin is an illustrator, digital artist, and author. She grew up in the Chicago suburbs and has lived most of her life in Colorado. She’s also the founder, Chief Editor and Creative Director over at Arm Lin House Productions.