Antoine Masson is currently working at the European Court of Justice collaborating with the University of Luxembourg and CEPRISCA at the University of Picardie (France). He has been a part-time lecturer at Trinity College, Dublin and a researcher at HEC-Paris. He has published extensively on law and management, business law, European law, and law & languages, and has recently written a textbook on European law and edited one on representations of justice and another on legal strategies.
Mary J. Shariff, B.Sc. LL.B. LL.M. has been an Assistant Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law, Robson Hall, University of Manitoba since July 2007. Prior to joining the faculty she practiced law with Aikins Mac Aulay & Thorvaldson LLP as a solicitor and barrister in the areas of taxation, construction law and litigation. Her research interests include dispute resolution, science, biotechnology and nanotechnology as they intersect with the law, trade and the environment, and she is currently conducting research concerning novel technologies directed at aging and life extension. Her teaching areas include
1 Ebooks by Mary J. Shariff
Antoine Masson & Mary J. Shariff: Legal Strategies
Far from regarding the law as supreme, corporations approach law as an element of executive thought and action aimed at optimizing competitiveness. The objective of this book is to identify, explore …