This is the first comprehensive resource for clinical medical-surgical nursing instructors responsible for guiding students through their entire clinical rotation. Filling a huge gap in resources for instructors required to teach the medical-surgical nursing course, it contains everything the new or adjunct instructor needs to teach expertly and confidently. The guide features a week-by-week instructional plan for the clinical rotation and includes all materials necessary to effectively perform administrative leadership and supervision, assess studentsí knowledge and learning styles, maximize the learning process, simplify evaluation, and help ensure a smooth transition to clinical practice.
The guide will serve as a welcome companion to both experienced and novice medical-nursing instructors with its week-by-week instruction guide that encompasses organizational teaching templates, teaching and learning resources, and evaluation materials. These include everything from the Adjunct Faculty Contract to the Course Syllabus to a Comprehensive Skills Checklist. Key clinical instruction materials, including Power Points and simulation scenarios are provided for each body system. Additionally the book contains quizzes with answers, discussion questions, and interactive student activities and exercises.
Key Features:
- Comprises the first complete resource for successfully guiding students through their clinical rotations from start to finish
- Helps to allay the ìfear factorî for new and adjunct clinical nursing instructors
- Provides a week-by-week instructional guide that includes organizational teaching templates, teaching and learning resources, and evaluation aids
- Includes numerous forms and templates to facilitate administrative responsibilities, student assessment, and student evaluation
- Key clinical information is organized by body system and includes multiple interactive teaching tools
Table of Content
PART I: Introduction to the Role of the Advanced Medical-Surgical Clinical Instructor
Chapter 1: Instructor Contracts and Evaluations
Chapter 2: Effective Student Evaluations
Chapter 3: Learning Requirements and Syllabus Preparation
Part II: Basics of Clinical Teaching and Student Evaluation
Chapter 4: First Day of Clinical, Including Expectations, Forms, and Assessments
Chapter 5: Nursing Assessments, Concept Mapping, and Critical Thinking
Part III: Teaching the Advanced Medical-Surgical Disease Processes in a Clinical Setting
Chapter 6: Sensory Deficits in the Elderly and Assessments of the Visual, Auditory, and Nasal Systems
Chapter 7: Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Pain
Chapter 8: Understanding Cancer and Cancer Treatments; Death and Dying
Chapter 9: Fluids and Electrolytes and the Acidñ Base Balance
Chapter 10: Caring for the Geriatric Patient
Chapter 11: Assessment and Treatment of Musculoskeletal System Disorders
Chapter 12: Pharmacology , Patient Safety, and Laboratory Tests
Chapter 13: Critical Care Nursing
Chapter 14: Emergency Nursing
Chapter 15: Hematology , the Endocrine System, and Related Disorders
Chapter 16: Reproductive System Functions, Assessment, Diseases, and Treatments
Part IV: The Post Conference and Transition into Nursing Practice
Chapter 17: Career Goals and Planning, Including Professional Identity, Job Search, and Licensing Exam
Chapter 18: Makeup Assignments
About the author
Deborah Wirwicz, BSN, MSNEd, is Clinical Nursing Instructor at Trinity University in Washington, DC.